Showing posts with label Haiku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haiku. Show all posts


Bumblebee banging
it's head against the window.
Fly free bumblebee!


Woke up with this tune
in my head. Hummed it all day!
Must really like it!


Could the "all you can
eat breakfast" hasten the end
of the human race?


Two huge breakfasts. He
tall and thin; she short and stout.
Opposites attract.


Family of five.
Four smart phones. One child in a
high chair; no phone yet.


Dad dresses as a
woman, he's always done. It's
my kind of normal.


Respectfully walk
the graveyard's rich, soft grass. Rest
in peace everyone!


The bigger the hand
bag, the longer the search, the
greater the agro!


Humor. Protesters
taking shampoo to use at
the water cannon. 


Balls! It's all balls! A
complete load of balls! Snooker
is a load of balls!


Young love; publicly
expressing your own feelings
for the very first time.


Lady in tight jeans
leans into her car. Builders
van nearly crashes


Taking a tank off
a plinth in a museum
to fight for their cause?


If we couldn't moan
about the bad weather we'd
have to be happy!


I think this self-serve
checkout has fallen out with
me. Sad it's over.