Before a storm hits
before a storm makes land-fall
a violent storm
a storm like no other - a silence falls
'The calm before the storm'
A kind of serenity covers the land
Before a storm hits
the air is still
birds are silent
all is calm
Before this particular storm hits
streets are empty
very few people are there to be seen save those who are battening down
stocking up
or leaving town
Run away from this storm
hide before this storm lashes out bringing total distruction - but not distroying your resolve
consuming your city's - but not removing the belief you hold in your fellow countrymen
taking those you hold dear - but not diminishing the love you have for your country
breaking your spirit - but not eroding your sence of who you are
this storm will hit hard
but this storm wont take your fortitude
your nationality
your will to rebuild
nor the memories you hold