Showing posts with label Haiku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haiku. Show all posts


Revenge: not paying
attention to that "tiny
wee" voice in your head


"Coffee?" "Yeah; flat white"
"What's that?" "Americano?"
"What's that?"..."just coffee!"


The early morning
sounds of scrappers on frozen
windscreens. Scritch. Scratch. Scritch.


Shopping; I pulled out
the correct change! I love it
when the stars align!


Remember; this time
yesterday you were wishing
it was tomorrow


Hold her hand today
because tomorrow you might
not be able to


Do you take up a
new hobby, buy a good book
then never read it?


Snow puts me into
a torpor; just wrap up warm
and grab a hot drink


The one apple seed
which tumbles onto concrete
will never bare fruit


I'm at that age when
my eyebrows seem to want to
take over the world.


Stood by the sea. A
wave rolled in washing my feet
cleansing all of me.


It's all gone to pot!
Kids away and its telly
and an indian!


"Organised? What's that?
Let me look that up ...Pen? Pen!
I can't find my pen!"


Modern life: "I can't
remember the PIN, to get
in, to find my PIN's!"


Society is
like a gym membership. Join
in to benefit


Going out. Feeling
the sun's rays caress my face.
Refreshing the soul.


Who can't say they have
'a history'; with sections
they want rewritting


Old lady sat on
bench with just the sea, the sun
and her memories


Steam rising from the
scrum; men giving one hundred
percent to the cause