
Woman with nothing
on said she felt cold. For the 
answer, look within.


Don't complain about
your situation. Others
would love your problems

Christmas in November

The seasonal Costa offering.
Promotions on shelves and adverts on telly.
Songs on play lists.
Decorations on cars
red and green everything,
and the premature smothering of houses in twinkly lights.

More sparkle than there should be.
More references to,
more signs of.

...Christmas in November 

A New Day Takes Charge

Through the dark of an autumn morning,
the suns light slowly appears.
At first,
just a chink,
a faint line above the trees.
Shapes start to form on the damp surfaces where there were none.
features emerge out of the dark.
Car headlights,
once fierce,
having lost their menace,
seemingly shine less brightly.
The gloom is fading away and a new day takes charge.