Fingers of Early Morning Sunlight

Fingers of early morning sunlight
through branches of trees,
touch passing cars. 
The drivers,
unaware of the caress, 
drive on...
On to work 


Discarded face mask.
Curled up on the floor looking 
like a large, black, snail


Staring at a mans
leg trying to work out what
his tattoo depicts 

Then Walk On

Dad drops son off at station in plenty of time for the 9.22. 
Seagulls in a line across a freshly ploughed field,
the distant sound of a tractor.
Contrast the meadow, 
full with clumps of clover,
long swaying grasses,
all spotted through with daisies and dandelions,
and clouds of playful butterflies,
sat beside the regimented field of corn.
in uniform rows,
all standing to attention,
awaiting their next order!

A pigeon sits on the telephone wires.
The newly laid road surface,
damp from a recent shower,
reflects the sky.
Hedgerows full with summer bounty for the birds to plunder.
A pheasant and a Magpie have a chat and plan their next move,
as I pull out yet another stone from my shoe!
...then walk on.


We watch it, we talk
about it, read about it,
then we moan! - football.