
Come a certain age, 
it's not the getting down
more; getting back up

In A Forest

If I have a mental illness in the middle of a forest,
and there's no-one else there,
did I wear an "exemption lanyard?"


Child knew Mum would say
no to his choice with 'that' look;
but tried anyway!


Man parks next to bin
to empty his rubbish then
goes and buys some more!


After a long dry spell the rain came,
very heavy rain!
Rain that bounced off the pavement,
the cars,
the rooftops.
Roads turned into rivers,
drains struggled to cope.
Driveways became a white water rafting courses.
The dry ground shrugged it all off.
Puddles grew on front lawns,  and rapidly became ponds.
Everywhere puddles formed,
growing and growing and growing.
Things washed down the street,
were we all going to be washed away?


All of a sudden...

As quickly as it started...

What seemed like would go on forever...



Man; bluetooth headset
on; hoping someone will call
so he can look cool!