
Septembers clichés.
Autumn, summer's passed, winters
approach. It's all true


Computers make us
wait on purpose. They think we
like staring at screens


Two cans of "wake-me-
up" drink. The eyes say two
days of sleep required.


An alcoholic
popped in for a discussion
on 'licencing hours'.

Why Do We Question - Why?

Why do girls skip but not boys?
Why do we forget the important things like, er, um, (sighs)...
and why do we sigh?

Why do I still know all the words to all the songs from the 70's?
Why do only some people get freckles
and why would you want to work here?

Why are Irish pubs so popular?
Why do we dwell on the past
and why don't we like change?

Why do we love the seaside?
Why do all my house plants keep dying
and why do babies cry like that?

Why do I have so much stuff?
Why do crisps always expire on a Saturday...
and why do you think you are suitable for this job?

Why do dogs sneeze?
Why do we use pencils when we vote?
Why do I need to floss
and why do we dream?

Why do we find things beautiful?
Why do I sometimes get 'goose bumps'?
Why do we fall in love
and why do we question? - Why?


I'm nice to people;
hoping they're nice to me! I
think that's how it works!