
The land falls into
the sea añd is devoured
by the waves - Cornwall


Gibber jabber gibber jabber, all the time!

It's like silence has been uninvented.
Noise seeps through the walls and into my brain.
No silence here because...
...because, silence is a crime!

From a TV from downstairs
From an aeroplane in the sky
...and maybe from distant train.
Noise distracts.

Silence is now a sin!
No 'dead air',
no 'pregnant pauses'
Do the dead rest in peace?
Silence is not allowed!

Anyway; when you have silence you can hear yourself think,
you can reason with that fellow in your head, (Whoever he or she might be!)
Silence allows you to sort things out,
maybe make a plan.

Who'd want silence anyway?!


Yellow skies and blue fields.
In the stillness,
The green clouds skirt across the colourless yellow nothing.
A blank canvass in red
The black sun; hidden in the cloudless yellow sky
Intensifying the yellow as it hides
Blacker than blue.
Yellow in front of me and...
Blue behind.
And what of the white?
White birds flit amongst green motionless clouds
White birds
In grey trees,
Under yellow skies and blue fields


Shiny polished floors cause reflections.
Reflections which reflect.
Reflections so strong that the reflection is more real than reality.
Maybe from an up side down world and so real you start to feel that perhaps we are the reflection!
A reflection from another world!
The shiny floor the place where our two worlds meet
Two identical people joined by their shoes.
Shop fronts that fade into a slightly disorted doppelganger.
My reflection sits below me as we drink our coffee.
I try and catch it out - but its too quick for me,

... it finishes my biscuit!


Bright wiñter sun wont
warm as much as family
at home this Christmas

Where Are The Stars?

Grass between my toes.
The threatening cloudscapes above
echo to the sound of the waves.

Armadillo like tents rustle in the breeze
the seagulls exault
and raindrops touch my face.

Where are the stars?