I Would

I can't write fully about cancer - because I've never had it
I can't imagine living in a war zone - because I've never had to 
and my bones have never been broken 
unlike my heart

I can't write about loosing a child - because I've never lost one
I can't imagine what it's like to be homeless -  because I've never had to live out on the streets 
and my life has never been turned upside down
unlike some.

I've never had a boundless hate for someone or something 
I've never been without someone to love or who loves me 
I've never been right to the edge and wanted to take one more step
I love the dark and the calm it brings me.

I can't write about a life after death because I don't think there is one
I can't write about being unhappy...
because I'm not
but - I'm a poet
and if I was...

I would

Steel Town - What Now?

The whooshing noises and huge clouds of steam 
like the red fire-breathing dragon it once was - now herald its death
and with one last breath 
...the dragon is dead!
Welsh steel is no more
It is the end of an era
The machinery stops
and it spews out its rivers of virgin molten steel no more
and silence falls
and the temperatures drop
and the dust settles 
enshrouding 120 years of steel production
Steel town - closed under the need to go "green"
thousands of jobs - gone
lost for a lower carbon footprint 
decades of history
of family lineage
and sons
this right of passage
generation after generation 
this place which put food on the tables of thousands
street after street after street of workers 
every morning heading to the works 
whole communities decimated 
What now?
Steel is "Steel Town"
"Steel Town" is steel.
What now?
Contractors and external business
large and small - will close
What now?
What are those with many years of experience going to do?
Those who know nothing else
but steel...
What now?
What are they going to do?

Outside my window

Outside my window...
outside the window I am currently looking out of  - because it's not actually my window
The window I'm currently looking out of 
belongs to someone else 
in that 
I don't own this particular window 
so it's not my window
not my window I'm looking out of
but I do own some windows along with my wife 
I don't mean that I own my wife
I mean my wife and I own some windows ourselves
they're in the house we have lived in for 26 years
but they're not the windows I'm currently looking out of

if I don't own the windows I'm currently looking out of 
what are we saying when we say "Out of my window?"
What are we talking about when we say window?
There are many windows 
What window are we talking about?
Are we talking about an opening in a wall 
or roof 
or building 
or vehicle perhaps 
that is 
maybe something that has been fitted into this opening
perhaps made of glass 
or perspex 
something held in a frame 
to let light in
or air 
or to allow people to see out
or to see in?
what do we mean?
do we mean 
an opportunity to see or understand something 
usually something we can't see like
"a window to see in and understand the workings of the local council"
Can anyone ever see in or understand the actual workings of a local council?
Or are we talking
a period of unbooked time in a diary, schedule, or similar 
"I have a short window over lunch in which I could see you"?
do you mean something like a weather window
"We'd better get a move on before this gorgeous weather window closes"?
a radio window is similar due to atmospheric or locational restrictions 
"we'd better wrap this up now before the radio window closes"?
Or do we mean 
"Microsoft Windows"?
in computing 
the area of a display that may be manipulated 
separately from the rest of the display area on your screen 
you know
different files can be displayed simultaneously in different overlapping "windows"?

...and then when you say outside..?

Find myself again

I'm moving to a town - a town I know is there
but a place that's unfamiliar
a town I didn't grow up in 
some post industrial waste-land built upon a fading reputation  of some inde band whose songs I've never heard of
that will shape me into a person - a person I'm not sure of
and I'm going to take a garret
for that's all my pocket will stretch to
stuck above a "clip-joint" or a chicken take-away
and maybe find a sleezy bar and order myself a strong one
from the "good-time girl" before me
she the one who's mascerading as the one who tends the bar 
and I'm going to walk the footsteps of those who've gone before me
down the streets I've never walked before the day I started here...
and I'm going to build a new life but I'll make a few mistakes
but a good life it will be 
and many good people will I meet
many good things will I do
that just maybe one day I will write this story down 
this story I will write about the things that I once did
and who knows I might retrace all this 
through my children's very steps
through their very eyes and own experiences relived...

then might I find my way back home
where I will find myself again.


As I undress in preparation for a shower
I turn and catch myself in the full-length bathroom mirror
and am horrified by my bulging stomach.

I have eaten too many crisps lately.
I love crisps.
I then remember the large pack of crisps I half ate yesterday
leaving the other half for the weekend - as if 
as if saving half was some minor win for me
or something 
but still a sense of guilt washes over me.

I take my shower.

Later, I'm stood in the kitchen
and another wave of guilt washes over me
as I finish off the packet of crisps.

I love crisps!


I had my hair cut once 
Twelve quid it cost
only for it to grow back! - I'm not falling for that trick again!