How Old Am I?

Check your birth certificate 
it's today's date minus the date on that
It's the number of years you've been alive
It's the number written on the front of your birthday cards - if they've sent you any
what does your wife say you are?
Maybe it's something to do with you shouting at the adverts on the telly 
it's how knackered you feel having just climbed the stairs
or the way you groan after getting out of your chair
it's how you feel after seeing an old school mate
it's as old as not remembering why you went into the kitchen 
as old as how long it takes you to 'wee' at 2am in the morning!
Maybe it's your shoe size?

I think I'm 63 - but with a mental age of 12!

Signs of Spring

Your long Christmas break
and all those lovely festivities 
are now but a memory.
Outside it's cold and grey
and if it does start to snow
you only get six flakes
not the six foot you wanted 
so you could re-live your childhood 
and fall off a sledge and break something 
and so have an excuse for not going into work.
Your hayfever raises it's ugly head.
Pigeons are mating on telephone wires.
Grumpy old women come out of hibernation for the first time since last summer.
The weather remains unpredictable.
The classic bright spring days are short lived - and soon the cold and grey returns.
Self assessment tax reminders arrive in the post 
reminding you it will soon be the end of the tax year - how dull!
...The tourists are coming.
The clocks go forward 
and it completely messes up your internal clock
The daffodil bulbs you planted in October last year haven't come up yet
and your car looks a complete mess but there's no point in washing it - it'll be filthy again in five minutes!
You haven't a clue what to wear
and your garden looks like the first world war trenches - and it's still too wet to do anything about it!

...The signs of Spring are there 


The barometer plumets
the wind strengthens 
howling through gaps in a old wooden window frame
billowing curtains
as a branch on the old oak tree outside 
starts to tap at an upstairs window
as if like a cat
wanting to be let in.

Streaks of rain begin to race down window panes
in an earlier than expected gloom
the light from a candle flickers  
creating patterns on the ceiling 
as the tick-tock 
of the grandfather clock in the hallway marks time
but I...
I don't care
I am safe and warm and dry inside
listening to all the chaos about
the storm and all it's consequences 
and I wait
for the power to go off 
and with a flash of lightening - it did 
so I sit
and I sit
with but the candle-light for company

...and I am happy

Did it Make a Sound?

If a tree falls in the middle of a  forest 
but there was no-one there to hear it
did it make a sound..?
To me that raises many questions 
Why did it fall? - trees don't tend to spontaneously fall
unless there are underlying issues of course 
like rot.
Was it dead
was there a gale blowing 
or did it just give up?
Maybe someone cut it down!
But wouldn't that make a sound?
Quite a lot of noise actually!
Was that when the confusion arose
about any noise the falling tree 
or might not have made?
If it was cut down 
that would mean there was someone there to hear it - the bloke cutting it down!
Did the bloke have ear defenders on and that's why he didn't hear it make any sound
surely he would have heard a sound if he wasn't wearing them!
But then he would have been a professional 
a trained arborist - I hope 
and so would be wearing ear defenders 
and surely he'd have had a mate with him
to drive the Land Rover
to help with all the kit and so on
these trees aren't always easy to get to
this one was in the middle of a forrest 
that's why they like having a Land Rover - what was he doing
what was this other bloke up to?
Didn't he hear anything 
or was he like the other bloke
deaf from all those noisy chain saws

...did it make a sound?

Writer of Lists

I think I'm turning into a 'writer of lists' - you know
someone who can't survive without writing everything down

"Oh you need to buy more pens and notepads by the way"

I never used to 
I never used to constantly write lists
It's almost like I talk to myself via these lists I write
these lists contain the things I must do
or the things I must get 
or that I need 
perhaps it's a natural part of...

"Buy pens and notepads - don't forget!"

It's never the important things - just the every day stuff
you know
notepads and pens
but, what if my memory's...

"Buy notepads and pens and go and wash the car"

Maybe it's because I'm easily distracted 
and what I should be remembering doesn't go...

"What was it I needed...?"

Maybe it's because I'm easily distracted and what I should be remembering doesn't go in!
Maybe I should buy more pens and notepads and write it all down 
so I have a list of things I need to do...
need to...

or is it...

"I'm becoming a writer of lists and..."

* Take the car to the car wash
* Go to the supermarket 
* You need milk, bread, notepads           and pens
* Something nice for tea, and pens
* You need to walk the dog
* Buy more pens 
* Buy more notepads 
* Wash the car
* Write a poem about becoming a         writer of lists



Give a man a fish 
and he'll eat for a day
Teach a man to fish
And you'll never see him at weekends!