London Through An Outsiders Eyes

people everywhere
pavements bursting
bodies pouring out onto streets
benches taken
pubs and cafes rammed
crowds swarming round popular locations
queues to get in well known shops
barely space enough for your next step
queuing for everything
to visit everything 
and photograph everything 
space at a premium 
people living in stacks of boxes
tall monoliths 
all in a scramble to reach the sky
prickly aerial masts on roofs puncture the clouds
balconies with views of nothing
thriving on constant noise 
no silence - even at night
no respite from the city's heat
permeating everything 
red buses
red phone boxes 
red faces

pavements offering no shelter
electric scooters
huge suitcases

hurry hurry hurry!
deep in the 'now' culture
everything delivered 
everything to hand
everything on an app
food for now
food for later
life delivered 
access to its places
its cafes
famous landmarks
sights to see
Tap your phone
Now now now!

London - a city
Jam packed busy
mad crazy
full to bursting
feed your senses
lots to do
lots to see
lots of experiences
A-mazing small doses!
(I want to go home please!)

Heads Off To The Loo

My bladder usually wakes up first
shortly followed by my mind.
My bladder says it needs emptying,
my mind asks if it possible to push blancmange up a hill with a chopstick
My bladder tells my mind it's an idiot mind adding
"it would probably be easier if you used several chopsticks!"
My body chips in...
"shut up you twoI'm not ready and if we move now, 
we're all going to end up in a heap on the floor!"

My mind continues, 

"and, who was the first person who thought we needed a letter 'P' 
at the beginning of the word psychology?"

"I need emptying" shouts my bladder!

"I can't move...!" - my body reminds them

"...and - continues my mind
"why is it...?

Brain hits the mute button - and we head off to the loo - slowly!


This is an arena of war 
conflict amidst primeval 
unreasoning support 
support for their soldiers 
their colours displayed
war paint across faces
stood amongst their own
flags with village names proudly displayed
allegiances laid bare as this battle commences 
Sergeants leading the men
jumping up and down they scream
arms around each others shoulders
they become soldiers of war
as if prepared to fight
prepared to die
chanting well rehearsed songs
jeering incorrect decisions 
cheering progress on the battle field in front of them
mocking those in charge 
worshiping their Generals 
mauning the loss 
saluting their warriors in winning 
the battle
winning the war 
the war that is this game

...this game of football

The Tube - Off We Go Again

Tap a card and go down endless escalators 
deep into vast holes dug into the earth
hot and stuffy
be prepared to be squashed into trains
like sardines in a tin.
sweaty Turkish baths meet mass transit
electric motors provide startling excelloration 
powering us along 
inside hollowed out tubes
deep under the streets of London 
too full to get a seat
too noisy to chat
too hot to be enjoyed!
but getting you to where you need to be!

"Doors closing!"

"Ready, Steady - GO!"

Lurch backwards 
hang on tight!
heads down
no-one talks
faces buried in mobile screens
thumbs tapping 
no eye to eye contact
swaying side to side
left right up and down 
announcements made - no- hears 
wheels on tracks
flanges squealing 
biting screeching breaks - throw you forward!

Part essential mode of transportation 
part fairground ride

"Mind the gap!"

crowds of people trying to get out
crowds of people trying to get in - squashing us further

"mind the doors!" we go again!


Moving whilst standing still
free to travel - but only where I go!

no changing your mind

no stopping half way 

no going back!


Highgate Cemetery - The Famous Dead

We who pay to wander - the curious
to gaze at the graves of the famous dead 
sleep well famous dead people 
rest in your forever sleep
don't mind us - us who pay to come and nose at your final resting places
you once famous in your chosen fields
you who's names live on
amidst the grand - and the humble plots
where your bones
entombed in time worn stonework lay
where the foxes scavenge
squirrels play
door mice nest
and the weeds grow 
choking your memories 
ivy covered sentiments
caring verses carved
you - famous dead people 
all that time has taken from us

Who were you - famous dead people
and who are you now?
For all the grandeur of your tombs
who are you now - if not dead?