The Sea

Go to it - it calls you!
Face it
across this border
the shore
this rugged outline
like a black line drawn around our lands.
The sea
with its violent moods
shifting our beaches 
tearing down our landmarks 
reshaping our cliffs
and undercutting our feeble defenses!

To this transition from land to water
from safety to uncertainty - we come
and we love to stare into this abis
and we challenge it to take us
standing full square 
we gaze deep into its eyes
as if...
as if into the face of death!

Having answered this command
this call to be at its feet
this call which tugs at our hearts
which talks to our evolution
our soul
our very being
as if...
as if it's drawing us home
telling us - we must return to it
once more
we must be alongside it
with it
on it
in it - to hear its call
to smell it 
to taste it
this most powerful force!

So we stand
and we stare at it
as if...
as if to ridicule it
safe upon the promenade its trying to consume 
along this edge we come
on this black line we stand
as if...
as if to taunt it
as if to say shall not take me
do your worst!


Spring - your mattress tore
Spring - 'dafs' their faces show
Spring - there in your step
And spring - new waters flow.

Spring - to smooth a ride
Spring - bulbs take the sun
Spring - to originate from
And spring - the cleaning done

Spring - something on someone 
Spring - springs to mind
Spring - Springing a leak
I'm no spring-chicken 
I think you'll find

Spring - I hope springs eternal!
Hot springs - a body soothes
Spring - spring into action
And active springs - smooooth!

Spring - the winters end
Spring - the days length grows
Spring - vegetation appears
And spring - it fills your nose


Two trash drinks, three bars 
of chocolate and some 
antacid tablets!


How come I have the
time to make a mess but not
time to tidy up?

All This Rain

A wet Sunday in February.
Rain drops streak down the patio doors to the terrace,
which wait
locked shut - longing for spring.
The washing machine shudders to a halt
with another load that certainly won't see the washing line - it'll have to hung it up on the on the 'dolly' in the kitchen!

Water drops fall from a gutter unable to cope.
In the drive,
puddles gorge themselves on yet more rain drops
gang together to catch out those brave enough - or foolish enough venture out!

We wait
longing for the days of summer
with games and barbeques
maybe a 'Pimms' or three!
Almost lake like
the lawn is now unable to absorb any more rain 
and now has huge oceans forming across it - should we get the dingy out?

And still it rains.
The dreams of a Sunday morning 
trimming the shrubs
mowing the lawns 
after lunch
taking tea - have simply been washed away 
by all this rain!

Such Detail

With a repeated sharp 'crackling' sound 
followed by a small - 'pop'
then a 'rattle'
my wife
sorted out her latest delivery of tablets.
The crackle was from the plastic of a tablet slide - rows of transparent bubbles in which tablets were held prisoner,
and specifically proportioned,
waiting to be taken - as prescribed by her GP!

So; as each bubble yields to the pressure of her thumb
with a crackle of its plastic, 
the tablet slide being expertly positioned
over the required section,
just one of seven sections 
with their lids open
waiting to receive 
'Monday to Sunday' written on the lids...
with a 'pop'
the shiny silver foil
a coating on the reverse side of the tablet slide
full with printed information about the tablets...
submits to the applied force 
realising the once captive tablet,
this released tablet,
then drops successfully into the first section of the row of clear plastic containers 
with a rattle,
are designed to take that days allocation of tablets
and so will be joined by other tablets soon.
This routine is continued until each daily section
has the correct amount
of the correct tablets within it.

This is a routine my wife undertakes each weekend
those long plastic containers each with seven sections
one for each day of the week
the weekly containers that people use
to make sure they have taken the correct tablets
on the correct days
at the correct times. is then I remember!
It's only because I've put my hearing aids in...

...that I am hearing such detail!