
I'm only aware of the washing machine in the kitchen - because it briefly stops
for a second
everything goes quiet
the quiet is deafening
then it starts again
turning slowly this time
slowly tumbling the wet clothes inside itself
building up speed
the noise slowly builds up to a loud gurgle as it empties out the dirty water
above all that noise
outside the lounge window
a car door slams
and a car starts it's engine 
but it doesn't drive away
the washing machine pauses again  briefly allowing me to hear the dog snoring on her bed in the window 
but it's gone as the washing machine starts it's cycle again
the car still hasn't driven off
as another door slams
this time it's a front door 
I think someone's forgotten something
        ...a train passes
once again the car door slams 
this time
as if like a starting pistol 
the washing machine starts
and the alarm on my phone goes off
I'd forgotten it was running so it makes me jump
I turn it off 
then reset it 
my phone emits several loud beeps as I do
then pausing to catch my breath
I hear the page of a book being turned
as the washing machine pauses
and I hear that the dog is still snoring 
...as the washing machine revs up and goes into its final spin
and in anticipation of it finishing
I rise from my chair 
and as if
not "switched off"
but only on "stand-by"
...the dog wakes

I think the washing machine has finished
...it's all quiet once more

I go and check!

I have faith in AI

I have faith in AI
so I shall ask it to write me a poem
I will give it some subject matter round which it can work
feed in some emotions I wanted it to include 
mention some observations I'd recently made 
some content that I think would nicely fit in
and all in a style that I know that I like!
I have faith in AI

I have faith in AI
a poem won't take it long given all that it knows
as long as it likes the ideas that I have
and if my ideas don't fit into what it has planned 
that will be fine - it'll know what to do
it'll probably chip in - some ideas of it's own 
I have faith in AI

I have faith in AI
We're getting along just fine everything's in place
I think I can press send and wait for the results...
although - what if I don't like the piece
that I've made?
that we made together - the AI and me
but - we're certain to agree my new friend and me
I have faith in AI!

I have faith in AI
It has sent me an email - I hope it's our poem!

...it says it won't write my stupid poem
It says I'm too interfering and that my material is poor
It says my ideas are poor too
and that I should write it myself
...that there are bigger things 
      and better things
         it has to do!

...I'm not sure I have faith in AI anymore!

Storm Cieran

Beware - Cieran's coming and he's bringing his mates
not nice mates so I hear - take care!
If you have hatches to batten down
batten them down now!
Cieran's mates are going throw stones at your shiny new car
lash that boat you worked hard to buy
pull at it's mourings
and maybe send it to the under-world!

Cieran's mates are going get into all 
those little cracks and crevices
they'll break into your house
under doors and through openings
they'll ruin that nice carpet you just had laid
lift those expensive tiles you had fitted in the extension
even leave stains your walls.

These thugs will disrupt travel
close river crossings
block roads and railways
close schools
cancel plans
howl through telephone lines
rip them down 
separating you from your world
trees will tumble
who knows where they'll land
they will lay waste to your gardens
damage walls and roofs - chimneys will topple!

But just who upset Cieran?
Did you say something?
Did you do something to make Cieran cross - enough to send his mates in?
Did you?


Samhain - pronounced “Sow-win” is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition.
It is pagan holiday 
In the past, people wore costumes and masks to disguise themselves as harmful spirits so to avoid harm themselves 
"Sow-win" is celebrated at sun-set
over the night of October 31st
as children are out "trick or treating"
dressed up in costumes
collecting sweets from willing participants.
"Sow-win" celebrates the Celtic new year
welcoming in the harvest 
ushering in the "dark half" of the year
and the long cold winter nights ahead.
It is traditional to set up an altar for the dead, 
often featuring offerings, 
memories of relatives who have gone before
the perfect time to honor nature, 
life and rebirth.
Bonfires, feasting and drinking play a large part in the festivities
The bones of slaughtered livestock were once cast into a communal fire
household fires were then extinguished and started again from that communal bonfire depicting a re-birth.
Those who believe
believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during "Sow-win" 
allowing more interaction between us and humans of "The other world"
I like to take time with the family photos I have 
and reflect on those in my family who have gone before me.

Rules of War (It matters who you kill)

(I have taken the main text of this piece from a piece by the ICRC.org
"The rules of war, or international humanitarian law (as it is known formally) are a set of international rules that set out what can and cannot be done during an armed conflict
and edited it for poetic effect

The rules of war.
All parties must distinguish at all times between combatants and civilians. 
(It matters who you kill)
Civilians must never be the target of an attack
(It matters who you kill)
The target must be a military necessity
(It matters who you kill)

Military necessity 
an attack or action must be intended to help in the defeat of the enemy
(It matters who you kill)
it must be an attack on a legitimate military objective 
(It matters who you kill)
the harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be proportional
a distinction must be made
(It matters who you kill)

a principle under international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an armed conflict whereby belligerents  must distinguish proportionally between combatants.    and civilians
(It matters who you kill)

a principle under international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an armed conflict
(It matters who you kill)
belligerents must make sure that the harm caused to civilians or civilian property is not excessive and is humane
(It matters who you kill)

a principle based in the Hague Conventions which places restrictions against using arms, projectiles
or materials calculated to cause suffering or injury...
(It matters who you kill)
...manifestly disproportionate to the military advantage realized by the use of the weapon for legitimate and honorable military purposes.
(It matters who you kill)

a principle that demands a certain amount of fairness and mutual respect between adversaries...

(When you kill to these rules 
               ...you do so with honour)

                      ....so it matters who and how you kill 
but not that you kill

Tipton St John

the village carpark is full to bursting 
the shop door is jammed open
Saturday overtime is being put in at the village garage
man walking his dog has a furtive cigarette as he goes
as a mother walks with her son
late and lazy breakast smells 
exit from extractor fans
smells emanating from the village pub - draw you in
as does the sign reading  "10:30 coffee club"
competing with teas and coffees on sale at the cricket pavilion 
long passed the cricket season being called OVER!
the churches graveyard
full with headstones
loving words written
people remembered
graves tended
flowers left
sat overlooking the village school 
perhaps known to those who take eternal rest
a school sitting quietly 
awaiting the end of the half term break
as a lady on a horse
ambles passed the former railway station 
now unwelcoming of patronage 
hiding as it does behind a tall hedge
its last train long since departed
now a much loved home
the former level crossing obvious only to those who know
alongside the river 
quietly passing
as water babbles in the brook behind the main street 
joined by the chatter from groups of cyclists as they pass
and a sunny Saturday morning 
busily takes shape - as if people know about the incoming rain