A Professor

I wish I'd been a professor 
a deep and learn-ed chap
with a study in which I could study in
drink tea in and take a nap

My crazy wild hair would fit in well
with my colourful spectacles; round
a jacket with patches on elbows
a breifcase full with my findings I'm bound

With a swivel chair to sit on
and books from ceilng to floor
on all sorts of different subjects
and a computer on which I'd write more

The media at my door would come knocking
and pay me to pick my brains
when an expert was desperately needed
on my subject and all it pertains

I'd have students to teach and to encourage 
to pass on the knowledge I've gained
write books of my studies and findings
till everything I knew was explained 

The University; my domain; my dominion 
a faculty baring my name
a letter from the King a formality 
more letters to add to my fame

They say one should never have regrets
only once do we travel this way
I've done many things and my life has been full
so this fanciful dream I must slay
I'm soon to retire and happy with life
spending time down in Cornwall 
with the dog and my wife!

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