Above Our Heads

aeroplanes pass silently on high
the police helicopters hovers
and fills the air with noise
Above our heads air-coridors are full

the sun paints in the sky
clouds add some contrast
and the stars come out to highlight the canvas
Above our heads the universe waits

a crow carries twigs in its beak
a pair of pigeons on telegraph wires sit and chat together about the day
Above our heads nature is busy

chimney pots stand in rows
TV aerials protrude on stalks 
and the signals they receive entertain us.
Above our heads invisible forces are at work

cables provide power to our homes
streetlights light our way
and speed cameras keep us under the speed limit.
Above our heads electricity provides and takes away

black storm clouds appear 
the wind gathers a pace
and a distant rumble of thunder is heard.
Above our heads nature can be fierce

...just some of the many things that go on
above our heads
(Look up sometime!)

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