I Me My

I get distracted
I'm very easily distracted
I start one job then end up doing something else
then something else
then I suddenly bump into the thing it was I was doing ten minutes ago that I didn't finish
so I finish that
forgetting to finish the other thing I started when I got distracted
...and so it goes on
I usually finish all the things I meant to do
but some bits of those things get left by the wayside
my head is usually half an hour down the road
I'll be doing something but thinking about the thing I've got to do after the thing after what I'm doing now
consequently some bits of those things get left by the wayside too
my mind wanders
a train goes by
a plane flys over head
I hear the washing machine stop
these things pull me away
away from what I was doing at the time I heard them
my head usually has a list of the days events in it
usually because life doesn't always run to a list
the car parking space at the surgery isn't always there waiting for you
the box you have to open doesn't always open to the instructions written on it
my blue-tooth speaker isn't always where I left it
which could be anywhere as I tend to simply drop the thing I'm doing when I've finished doing it
then go on to attend to what's next on the list in my head
and if the box says it is supposed to open in a certain way
it should open in a certain way
if it doesn't I get cross and drift away
If I'm watching a TV program or film
and a fly lands on the screen 
I find myself asking
"What is the fly that is sat on the TV screen thinking about this film? Is it enjoying it?"
"is that one picture over there not straight, or are all the others out of true?"
These things make following a storyline very difficult
I also tend to see things that others don't
I see beauty in things others might not see at all
little details that fascinate me
I'm pulled away by the little details which nature has to offer
the way the light might shine on a leaf
the lines a cars tyres left in the mud
stuff like that
I see photos
I have a million million photos in my head that no camera has ever captured
I have a million million words going round my head that won't form themselves into a poem - but then sometimes they do
I always have a song going round my head 
and sometimes that song might pop out
add to this my constant companion
the high pitched tone which is always there
my tinitus
and my head is a busy place!
So, if you see me out and about
or if you've said something to me 
and maybe I don't remember it or see you
it's probably because I'm away with the fairies
thinking about doing the thing after
the one after
 ...the thing I'm doing now 
or admiring the way the sunlight catches the leaves on a bush
or thinking that that mark down the side of that car, make by a muddy puddle the car must have driven through 
would make a great subject to paint
..so it's not you
it's just me!

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