We Love and Care (A Family Christmas)

We look forward to.
We anticipate.
We invite and get excited.

We shop and over shop.
We order and over order and collect.
We book and arrange and plan.

We plan surprises and meals.
We buy food and presents.
We wrap with love.
We care.
We love...
 ...and care.

We open and welcome.
We cook.
We serve and share and love and care,
we pour and eat and watch and drink and; 'do' old traditions.

We unwrap.
We love and care,
we enjoy and care,
we share with love...
we love and care.

We snuggle and love and care and lye-in.
We over eat and drink and walk.

We walk the dog and eat some more and watch and rest and share and listen and love and care; together...

...we love and care.

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