Who I Am?(Whatever Comes Next)

Who am I? 
Look past the lie of the image in front of you, 
through the pretty shroud of thread and deep below the flesh which hangs from my bones! 
I am the poetry which sings in my soul, 
I am the love in my heart and the images my minds eye paints.
I am that song in my head, 
I am Stonehenge and Avebury - the peak of the summer solstice,
the earth, and the moon and the stars. 
I am the rain, wind, fire and water,
all merely transient. 
I am here; for now - until... 

I could go and you would forget me,
like you never knew me... but you did! 
You read my words, maybe listened or were told them. 
Your very being inhaled them,
your very soul wrote them down! 
So; I am with you; eternally, on my way to 'where-ever'
Whatever comes next!

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