The Only Me I Know

I wanna be me, do me things,
dress like me,
have long hair and behave like me.

Sometimes I feel like a square peg
in life's round hole,
a red stripe -
in the black, white, black, white
of life's zebra crossing
like the 'forth' dimension
the 'blue' sheep in the pack
the odd one 'in'
and the 'tock' in life's 'tick'.

I don't want to do or be;
what others want to do or be.

I like wearing bright clothes,
I like writing poetry
and having the heart of a pagan.

I like running through fields of poppies and buttercups.

I think I do 'being me' very well -
better than anyone I know!
'Me' isn't perfect;
and it hurts sometimes; being me.
but this 'me' is the only me I know!

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