A Professor

I wish I'd been a professor 
a deep and learn-ed chap
with a study in which I could study in
drink tea in and take a nap

My crazy wild hair would fit in well
with my colourful spectacles; round
a jacket with patches on elbows
a breifcase full with my findings I'm bound

With a swivel chair to sit on
and books from ceilng to floor
on all sorts of different subjects
and a computer on which I'd write more

The media at my door would come knocking
and pay me to pick my brains
when an expert was desperately needed
on my subject and all it pertains

I'd have students to teach and to encourage 
to pass on the knowledge I've gained
write books of my studies and findings
till everything I knew was explained 

The University; my domain; my dominion 
a faculty baring my name
a letter from the King a formality 
more letters to add to my fame

They say one should never have regrets
only once do we travel this way
I've done many things and my life has been full
so this fanciful dream I must slay
I'm soon to retire and happy with life
spending time down in Cornwall 
with the dog and my wife!


Gales billow curtains.
Is the world still there or has
it been blown away?

Saving The Planet

I washed out 
and recycled 
the plastic containers 
in which we got with our Chinese takeaway 
last weekend...

Am I saving the planet?

Creating A Hit Record

Creating a hit record is simple really
just put a few words together 
make sure they tell a story
have a bit a catch to them
you'll need a tune to carry the words 
again - music is easy
it's simply a collection of notes 
there aren't many to choose from - it's a piece of cake really!
Then find someone who can sing a bit
the voice after all is just the muscles and tissue of the larynx
which vibrate as air from the lungs passes through it
you can use the mouth and lips to shape the voice - simple!
You'll need musical instruments 
perhaps guitars
a guitar is played by plucking or strumming strings 
which can be pressed against metal frets on the fingerboard 
this alters the sound it makes - all quite straight forward!
You can add other instruments - like a piano
a piano is just keys hitting strings
again  - not complicated
some drums perhaps 
to tap out a rhythm 
some wind instruments - bent metal pipes
with a mouth-piece you blow down 
and then the sounds come out the other end
All this needs mixing together 
and recording
and if you get a radio station to play the recording 
get people to like it
and like you
enough to buy a copy of your tune - or download it  or something 
a lot
lots and lots actually 
you could do gigs
and people would come to your gigs
live concerts where you play this song
then - there you have it
you'll have a hit record - simple really!
Remind me to teach you how to paint sometime!

Getting Old

Getting old brings biological changes
With old age cells and molecules accumulate damage
leading to a decline in physical and mental abilities. 
The metabolism slows down 
A prevalence of body fat can increase in the midriff 
this can increase the risk of health problems such as diabetes. 
Life changes such as retirement or a  move to more appropriate housing can unsettle.
Old age can bring the death of friends or life partners
and you suddenly find yourself enjoying the coverage of the bowls on BBC 2

everything was better then

the sun always shone back when we were young
We had no responsibilities
the people we loved were still around
birthday cards came with cash inside
life was simpler
things tasted better
what was for tea was a surprise to us
chocolate bars were bigger - but we didn't know
there was food on the table 
we never appreciated how good the music was
we never listened to the radio stations we now miss
we never enjoyed the classic cars which then were just - normal 
the steam locomotives which pulled our trains
the family members we never imagined we'd loose 
we never knew how fondly we'd look back at those times
these times
times when we grumbled at having to go to school
do our homework 
Saturday jobs to earn some pocket money 
made to eat all of our veg
to eat what was put in front of us
having to go to bed at a set time
having to only watch what our parents thought appropriate 
this past 
painted with the rosy tint of retrospection
we were young and care free
everything came without cost 
the past
a time now gone 
which we remember fondly
a time we consider 
better than the time we are in now
remembered with emotional intensity 
but only the positive 
forgetting the negative 
the scraped knees which hurt us
our mind
time which now deceives us
which now our mind misconstrues
the past - but not forgetting 
the present - these days now
will be the yesterdays of tomorrow 
everything was better then - wasn't it?