Identical Twins

Identical twins
One in a crisp white shirt,
nicely ironed,
with a red tie...
the other in a t-shirt,
jean's and trainers,
with one arm in a plaster cast.
One clean shaven,
the other with three day stubble.
One with a £30 hair do,
the other with a 'dragged through a hedge backwards', 
abandoned look,
sat; on his mobile,
ignoring the world,
as the other one interacts.
But identical twins nevertheless! 


The restaurant was
quiet 'til eight women came
and sat down... we left.

Old Punks

Old punks don't die,
they just 'never mind the bollocks!'


Every day's special
but when you hear your birthday
date; your heart dances!


New shoes in their box
with that new shoe, shoe shop smell!
Childhood memories!

In A Forest

If I have an anxiety attack in the middle of a forest and there was no-one there,
did anyone care?