Who Will We Be

Who will we be
in the future - and 
what will we be
if we are lucky enough
to have a future
before the hand of time 
and the wind comes knocking
at the letterbox 
and blows our ashes away
who will we be
will we be just 
old people - are we not 
old people now
will we even be together 
will our dreams have come to be
for we have dreams
will they come to be
what will time turn us into
do to us
how will it shape us
will life have changed us so we don't resemble 
that we are now - nor ever wanted
what will be 
will be
but will your hand be there to hold
in the dark days
will your hand be there to hold
like we did that first time
when I reach out for you
will you be there
will I still be there for you
either way
that our paths crossed that day
and our hearts entwined
and that we set out
is enough

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