Doctor (Sigh)

I am a General Practitioner - a Doctor to you and me!
I treat the aches and pains you have
it's me you come to see
you who sit on rows of chairs
in my waiting room
for just ten minutes of my time and a prescription - I presume 

I am a General Practitioner - a Doctor to you and me!
I know everything about your body
and what every ache and pain could be
I've read more books than you'll ever know
I've studied many medical quirks 
bring your medical queries to me
for I know how your body works

I am a General Practitioner - a Doctor to you and me!
I've studied hard and passed exams
been tested almost endlessly
I have standing in this community
so the people say
I fix them up - whatever was wrong
then I send them on their way!

I am a General Practitioner - a Doctor to you and me!
But when I'm walking in the street
people ask about their knee
or to have a listen to their chests
"it's just a little wheeze"
or why they have a little lump
"Could it be my arteries?"

I am a General Practitioner - a Doctor to you and me!
So I can diagnose myself
I know what's wrong, you see.
When I begin to feel unwell
if my temperature begins to rise
I know straight away what the problem is
so it doesn't come as a big surprise!

Being a General Practitioner
I've climbed the greasy pole
and it's been a very, very hard slog 
for me to reach my goal...

the training's been relentless
and cost a pretty penny
it took me countless years of work
the examinations were many!
The hours are long
the work is hard
paperwork comes in by the yard...
the responsibilities are huge
peoples lives are in your hands
yes the wages aren't that bad
but they don't match up 
to the tough demands!

So I like to go off skiing
but the time is hard to find
and I might go and have a tumble 
it's always on my mind...

I sigh for I am a Doctor - a
very busy
Doctor to you and me
it really is a tiring job
so I prescribe myself some rest 
with a lovely cup of tea!

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