Milton Keynes Central (The great chamber of 'Commercialism')

Like animated corpses; the un-dead are drawn to this shrine
and they bow down before their goddess as they enter the great chamber of 'Commercialism'.

Lost in endless artificially lit corridors -
sentenced to walk these halls forever,
never knowing day from night,
never again to feel the rain on their faces -
these deciples of  'Commercialism' are deemed never to return to the light.

These empty; emotionless creatures stop and enter the vast temples of capitalism;
bright with neon; they draw them in with promises of eternal indebtedness;
a debt with their very soul they would pay
for; with their shiny carrier bags full with the goddess's offerings;
their allegiances are laid bare for all to rejoice
and their path to eternal commercial glory is confirmed!

(praise be!)

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