
Valentine's day cards
hastily being bought and
written on the day!

People call me the professor

People call me 'The Professor'
I'm really not sure I know why
maybe I have the authority
the presence of that sort of guy

I'd like to have been a professor
my colourful outfits would fit in
my wild hair would make much more sense - and match the stubble that covers my chin

Maybe it's my BBC accent
or maybe they think that I'm  bright
that with my round horn rimmed spectacles
I fit the perception just right

I like all that cerebral thinking
writing papers in an important 'rag'
but there is a good reason why I'm not the professor - and it is, one very big snag!

I would have loved being a professor 
but I must confess to you
I'm not over-burdend with qualifications
and Professors require quite a few

I have a certificate in swimming
and 25 yards was very tough!
I didn't really like it at school much
learning - and all that stuff!

School sucked me in at one end
and at the other end just spat me out!
I'm sure that all they were teaching me
was very important - no doubt!

I really didn't have a life plan
only college - so there must've been a spark
but college didn't have any professors
who on me, could maybe have made a mark

People call me the professor
but I'm not the professor type
I don't think I'd have be very good at it
but it's too late for having a gripe!

I think that I'm much too old now
to help young students to learn
so I'll sit with my wife and my dog - as
some peace and quiet 
is what I now yearn!

Don't Grow Up

As an adult 
you must never overlook 
nor forget
the unadulterated joy there is to be had 
by a child
in blowing hard 
down a drinking straw
which sits in a glass of milk
or similar childhood beverage
- especially a carbonated one
which then sends the drink
in the form of bubbles
cascading over the glasses rim
and onto the table 
and over itself
and the floor
oh and the cushions on the chair as well!

As an adult of course
this is very annoying
and contains no joy
as we are the ones who usually have to clear it all up
and possibly change the childs outfit
which is now soaking wet
so it will need washing
and drying
because this was the outfit you were going to send them in 
to the party tomorrow 
and then we need to wipe the table down
and the cushions on the chair
might need dry cleaning
...not forgetting to mop up the floor!

...you then grow up 
you grow up not remembering this joy
and forget just how amazing it was
when your time comes
and you find yourself on your hands and knees
because your child has done this very same thing
the thing you did
many years ago
that you thought amazing

...this is the time to search your memories
rummage around and recall
remember the joy you found
by this simple act
maybe forgive them just this one time!

...or just don't grow up!

Me: Retail Worker

We: customer

We drive straight past the no-entry sign using the carpark as a "rat-run".

We defy the architects and planners and take a short cut across the flower beds.

We pull - when it says push.

We enter - when it says exit.

We don't need a basket
then we drop things 
and they break.

We look straight through the thing we're searching for 
then ask someone if they have it in stock.

We buy junk and ask not to be judged.

We mistake members of the public for staff

We wait until the last item has been scanned to suddenly remember 
we've forgotten something - dashing off to get it 
leaving a huge queue of angry customers 

We pay for something then leave it in the shop.

We bring every personal item we own into the shop - then leave it in the shop.

We argue about the price of something - then buy it anyway.

We don't want to pay for a bag, nor did we bring one,
then we promptly drop all our shopping on the floor.

We seem surprised when finally at the head of the queue 
and we're asked to actually pay for our shopping.

We pay with pennies.

We use contactless but don't know how it works. 

We think that  just because the terminal 'beeped
that means that the transaction is complete.

We need to pay with our phones but haven't got a clue how to do that.

We leave baskets and trolleys to roam free 'round the carpark...

we: customer 
me: retail worker

I Wonder What They Talk About

They arrived in a 'gangster-mobile'
white with blacked out windows
The car's emblem has been lit up with an aftermarket part - it looked naff!
if you'd have told me he was a dealer - I wouldn't have been too surprised 
not that he was - he just could have been
every hair on his head was in the exact place he wanted it to be in 
the edge on his beard was so sharp 
you could have cut a sandwich in two with it
he smelt like there'd been an explosion at the men's cologne counter 
in Boots in the high street
and that he was standing next to it at the time
I think he was wearing the latest fashion
his trousers - sorry track-suit bottoms
were too short
showing off his designer labelled socks
she was in very tight black
they came in holding hands - not in a romantic way
more - a creepy way
her skin tight black leggings showed every detail
it was like he was directing her every move
he tells her to have a milk shake - she had a milk shake
then he places his hand on her arse as the milk shake mixes
she giggled 
in fact she giggled a lot
not surprisingly
he paid
taking cash out of his 
'over-the-shoulder-man-bag thing'
you know the ones I mean
turning away to get it out
maybe he was out doing deals
maybe he had his gear and cash in there
I sort thought he'd get a bent fifty quid note out
and that I'd have to refuse this poor copy of the kings currency
but no
just two crumpled fivers
I gave him his £1.41 change and he returned to his girl
her shake was ready
they discovered the lids and straws...
"It is nice" she eventually said
the first actual words she spoke
the only words she spoke!
he thanked me as they headed for the door
she said nothing as they returned to their 'gangster-mobile'
its music - well it was music to them
drifted to me across the carpark
and - with both sucking on their milk shakes straws - they drove off
into the night.
Thump, thump, thump thump, thump!

...I wonder what they talk about?


A bus went by and
there was one person not on
his phone! What a freak!