Showing posts with label Funerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funerals. Show all posts


Funerals - great aren't they!
They are a good time for extended families to get together
for some families 
a funeral is the only time they get together 
It's always good to meet up 
it's a great opportunity to renew old grudges 
with relatives you never got on with
to sit around and try to work out what people are really thinking
and to smile at people you don't know ...but should
and try to work out if you're related to them or not
and if so - how
...and why!
there's often food 
you get a free lunch or afternoon tea laid on 
full of things you can't eat 
or simply don't like
it usually rains
you're in a cold church you're not familiar with 
you get to sit on hard pews 
and sing songs you don't believe in
from a religion you don't subscribe to
all in a somber mood
then spend an afternoon in a village hall
making small talk with strangers...
"Yes I know, they were big weren't they!"

but you do get to pay your respects for the passing of someone close - well an extended family member anyway!
Funerals - great aren't they!