Showing posts with label the Tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Tube. Show all posts

The Tube - Off We Go Again

Tap a card and go down endless escalators 
deep into vast holes dug into the earth
hot and stuffy
be prepared to be squashed into trains
like sardines in a tin.
sweaty Turkish baths meet mass transit
electric motors provide startling excelloration 
powering us along 
inside hollowed out tubes
deep under the streets of London 
too full to get a seat
too noisy to chat
too hot to be enjoyed!
but getting you to where you need to be!

"Doors closing!"

"Ready, Steady - GO!"

Lurch backwards 
hang on tight!
heads down
no-one talks
faces buried in mobile screens
thumbs tapping 
no eye to eye contact
swaying side to side
left right up and down 
announcements made - no- hears 
wheels on tracks
flanges squealing 
biting screeching breaks - throw you forward!

Part essential mode of transportation 
part fairground ride

"Mind the gap!"

crowds of people trying to get out
crowds of people trying to get in - squashing us further

"mind the doors!" we go again!