I've got nothing I must do today but lots of things I want to
it's a 'getting lots of jobs done day' but at a 'day off' sort of paceI'm driving in the car and I'm singing rather loudly
in a lazy sort of 'day off' way - in my own little space
I've got to do the shopping if I don't we'll have no food
but on a 'day off' day with sunshine it's really not a chore
on a 'day off' sort of shopping day I can really take my time
and because it is a 'day off' day I could even do some more!
I've got to mow the lawn if I don't someone might complain
but on a 'day off' day with sunshine I'll be done in a thrice!
and on a 'day off' day I can strim the edges
and because it is a 'day off' day I'll have it looking nice!
I've got to walk the dog if I don't she might complain
but on a 'day off' day with sunshine it'll really be a joy
and on a 'day off' day we could walk for many miles
and because it is a 'day off' day I'll let her take a toy
I've got to do some cooking if I don't wife might complain
but on a 'day off' day with sunshine some cooking will be fine
and on a 'day off' day I could cook for many hours
and because it is a 'day off' day I might have a glass of wine!
I've got a glass of wine and I really can't complain
and on a 'day off' day with sunshine I just might make it two
and on a 'day off' day I'd say it is a lovely drop of red
and because it is a 'I've drunk to much sort of day' I haven't got a clue!
I've got a thumping head and I really have to say
I cannot finish all these jobs
they'll have to wait for another day!