Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts


The older you get
the harder it becomes to deal with change
the harder it becomes to face up to change 
to accept change
to roll with it
to ride it
and so...

And so as you age
as you travel through life
and you experience lifes changes
and life changes you
you try to bend with it
you try to change to fit in with it
and so you bend
you change
and bend
you change
and bend
you change
and bend
you try to change along with life

change finally breaks you!


Change: Define
To make someone or something
To replace something with          something else, 
especially something newer 
or better.
An act or process through which something becomes different.
Loose change - the coins in your pocket.

Something to be frightend of!


Nobody should have
to change to fit in. The world 
will acclimatise 


Shopping; I pulled out
the correct change! I love it
when the stars align!