Life According To Adverts

Apparently we wake up in a bed 
alongside someone we're obviously not sure about
someone who mentions the wrong type of breakfast cereal
and that you need to get rid of 
using a secret
built in 'getting rid of the person who's in your bed that you're not sure about' device
We go and have a shower
washing our hair in shampoo that doesn't just wash our hair 
it brings peace across the world and cures hunger
using a shower gel that doesn't just clean us
it gets rid of your 'spare tyre'
gives you a '6-pack'
and makes you fives inches taller!
We then brush our teeth with toothpaste that 
whitens - then ends all wars
and gives us perfect teeth, of course
then we smother ourselves in colognes 
which drive us through deserts in classic American cars
make us run through huge French chateaus 
with flowing designer dresses 
making us irresistible to the opposite sex - does anyone understand cologne adverts?
In our perfect home 
even our domestic appliances are at it
they connect us to extraordinary - apparently!
I just want a kettle to boil water for a coffee
and a fridge to make sure the milk doesn't go off
We now follow our children around our perfect homes 
with a cloth 
and a cleaning product 
mopping up their mess
a mess which they don't get told to clean up 
stains on floors
dropped food
and don't even mention what the dog did!
And this product
of course which isn't just a cleaning product
it doesn't just kill germs
it kills 99% of germs
germs that are hard to reach
and now cures all known diseases
cures all hunger
and again - gives you perfect teeth!
Everyone has perfect teeth!
The Turks must be going mad!
And with all this mess our children make 
we need our clothes washing
and as if the modern washing powder isn't smelly enough
you have to have a fabric softener with extra scent
and add scent boosters as well
which make people sniff you all day 
because of course if your clothes smell of these scent boosters 
then they must be clean - right?
Now; god forbid there'll be areas of your perfect house 
which might get dirty!
You will have to buy sprays which apparently correct thousands of household problems - like you'd let your dog go and lay on your sofa
and that your perfect house would never smell!
Apparently houses do 
as you now have to have
a plug-in device which sprays scent all over your house 
in a variety of combinations 
mixing 3 smells at random.
Oh and of course you'll have a car 
remember when cars used to just carry you and your family around?
they're now 
it's now an experience 
it's smooth
it's vibrant design
it's connected 
it's emotion - NO! it's a method of getting around!
Then we can take our daughter on this mad shopping spree
buying just what she wants until the bank says NO!
How am I going to pay for or all this I hear you cry!
Don't worry 
We can help you save!
You can invest with us and then buy stuff
or just get a credit card and you can buy all these things 
and live the perfect life - forgetting you have to pay them back
along with an APR of 88% or more!

Do I think adverts live in a real world?
What do you think!

Don't Get Old

Never let your memories know your real age
nor let your actions assume.
Don't stare from an upstairs window
at a world full of youth
never let the words you utter let you down - don't talk about your afflictions 
don't drop your guard by not knowing the current "hit parade"

for your clothes will pass on those signs 
Chinese whispers - don't let them lie
your choice of sensible footwear 
will declare it to your neighbourhood 
the car you drive knows the truth 
and your choice of apps on your chosen mobile phone says it all - if indeed you have one!
be your age - just...

don't get old

What Am I Supposed To Do?

People don't see me.
People don't see the situation I'm in.
How can I get out of something most people don't even see I'm in?
When you're not even visible to most people - how do I get help?
What is help anyway?
What would help me?

Most people don't care about people like me
I'm just something that people walk around
I'm the turd on the pavement that people step in because no-one sees it
and those few who do see it just 
give it a wide birth
and so they don't do anything about it
so walk on
and leave it for someone else to step in.

I am here
I am here because I have no postcode I could give you
no street that is my street
no house number
nowhere you could drop that parcel off at
no town to call my own town
no people to call my neighbours 
So what if I do spend the money you give me
when I'm out begging for it
on drugs and booze!
So what!
You've never been in my situation 
forced to live out on the streets 
in the cold and wet
Drugs and booze take me away from this hell
for hell is where I am.

No money
No home
No job
No chance of getting a job
No job to get money 
No money to get a home
No home to get a job
No hope...

What am I supposed to do?

The Lottery Terminal

"Hello - just give me a second
I'm just checking your lottery numbers...

you've not won the lottery again
but we really value your two pound outlay each week
with your lucky numbers 
and you did match two numbers

as we're nice 
and don't want you to work out that you only have the slimmest of chances on winning the jackpot anyway...

here's a free ticket
a free entry for another day
so you can win nothing - another time!"

Outside Looking In

I'm outside looking in
and I'm staring in bewilderment 
at an historical situation 
a political situation
which now has become a military situation 
an argument
a disagreement about rights 
a conflict of opinions 
over lands
and ownership of lands
about the rights - or not
to be on those lands
different factions
different peoples
about their faiths and beliefs 
their opinions - differing opinions
I see people that aren't listening to the words that many are saying
to the advice that is being given
from allies - those who support and supply them
to the mothers who are begging
to the men who are fighting
to children who are dying
to the politicians who are negotiating  
across borders
across contested borders
to those who launch the missiles
their supporters supplied
into lands they call their own
to kill 
to change minds
to change history 
to displace 
people they disagree with
to kill their leaders 
to cut off the heads of the groups they despise 
sat in lands that they believe are theirs
and with fingers on triggers 
and with fingers in ears
some minds set only on what has gone before
making peace a thin vaneer
as fragile as porcelain
these factions will maintain their ground
what little ground they have
but ground they will fight over
in order to keep
for although an international agreement was signed
it was one which not all could agree to
and one which many still disagree over
an agreement which stamped the borders we see now
onto the most unstable part of the world 
an arrangement not all the aggrieved partners took as gospel 
an agreement which saw people displaced from homes
political factions
and locations
neatly set-up 
on top of historical peoples
whose armed factions are prepared to fight to the last man standing 
over their right to be
to be where they believe in
to be where they believe their right is
and where they are prepared to kill 
to keep
kill or be killed
the ideologies are engrained over millennia 
in which all believe 
they are right
but as days pass
over the days I've written this piece
I've observed - and had to write more
to rewrite
things have got worse
a change
not for the better
not towards an end - a peaceful end
but more war...

Will this ever end?

Foolish weren't we

When we were young
we'd fanticize about the future and what it would bring.
We thought we'd be dressed in silver metal suits and have our own flying cars
and we'd all be wearing small communication devices on our wrists!
Maybe we'd have human colonies in space 
even one on mars!

We hoped there'd be robots. 
Robots would do all the chores we hate - like hoovering 
and we'd harness the power of the sun to run it all.
We did worry that every person might have a connected device in their pocket 
like some "big brother" device
watching our every move
tracking us where-ever we went
limiting everything we bought and could do.

We imagined our food would be ordered on this device - coming to us frozen
and we'd be able to cook it in a machine at the push of a button!
We thought that we'd do all our shopping on these devices
and everything would be either delivered to our houses 
...or we'd pick it up from the local petrol station.

Of course we thought we wouldn't need cash anymore 
and we'd never see our money
it would just be paid into a central  Artificial Intelligence or 'AI'
and to buy something over £100 - I know!
One hundred pounds!
...we'd just have to confirm to an 'AI' that we weren't an 'AI' ourselves 
when another 'AI' asked us!

We'd pay for small things by tapping a small...
onto a terminal...

Foolish weren't we!