The Sock

The sock - a strange creature!
Supposedly they mate for life 
but alas - they get separated in dastardly human processes and machinary.
This separation hits the sock hard
the individual socks life is often cut short
separated from their partners
they tend be found abandoned at the bottom of sock draws 
amid under-garments which seemed a good idea in the shop
or hiding along side the tumble drier in the utility room - gathering fluff
which is not good for a sock.

Socks come in all sizes
and styles 
The socks natural habitat is around a foot 
it enjoys the darkness afforded by footwear 
or the shelter of a trouser leg
occasionally they are seen out playing
around the lower legs of sporty types
but despite them liking the dark
the sock can sometimes be seen out 
suffering in the bright sunshine - and with great embarrassment 
found in the leather sandles of an individual
you know the ones
they wear a long pair of shorts
with a short sleeve shirt
beige in colour
buttoned up at the neck
and sport the ever more rare 'long sock' - almost up to the knee!

The sock is normally found along with its matching pair
but sometimes a kind soul will be happy to rescue a pair of individual socks - charities exist to bring individual socks together.
These kind people wear the two individual but non-matching socks with the hope they will 
one day become a pair 
and live happily ever-after!

Sock mating has never been captured on film and the new born sock is rarely seen
The young sock can occasionally be seen popping out of the top of a white sports trainer or tennis shoe
The young sock is usually white in colour as camouflage 
and as such
is very hard to spot

Some believe the sock has magical powers.
People are convinced a matching pair went into the washing machine
only to find one when the cycle had finished.
The sock is a mischieful creature and  it is thought there is a mystical 
magical land where socks can transport themself too
there is no impiricle proof to this
but there seems to have been a spike in the number of odd socks being worn these days

As to why just one sock from a pair would take itself away 
splitting up a life long partnership 
is also not known
but it is thought something to do the female sock not approving of the state the male sock often gets into - all those holes and that cheesy smell!

So: next time you reach for a pair of these
seemingly simple and unassuming creatures - take care!
Make sure you keep them together as a pair
or perhaps think about adopting a non-matching pair for yourself.
The sock - it's a strange creature!

What Was The Reason (Durham)

a magnet for tourists
on many a 'bucket list' 

in a setting so pretty
one not to be missed

its cathedral and castle
the meandering 'Wear'

the centurys of history - 
perhaps you're studying here

maybe it's your city 
the place of your birth

with family connections
and a lineage to unearth

the Vikings took the relics
of St Cuthbert - and in greed

sought those of the scholar
the venerable Bede

a key city to take
when the hords did invade

fought to ravish England
its countryside to raid

with religion came a calling
that your God inspired

for pilgrims a journey 
that your faith required

as you sit and contemplate
on this famous cathedral lawn

...what was the reason
you found yourself drawn?


Saplings grow along
side fallen companions.
The circle of life

All In One Day

Wake up
Foot out of duvet
Get up
Get dressed
Double check
Check again
Walk the dog
Load the car
Check the route
Jump in the car

Follow the sat-nav
Roundabout after roundabout
Unfamiliar roads
'A' roads
'B' roads
Sat-nav dependant
In and out of fog
Open moorland
National parks 
Sheep in fields
Wind-swept trees
Stone walls
Remote stone cottages
Dual carriage ways
Looking for junctions 
Ancient bridges
Bridges over
Bridges under
Tumbling streams
Long since closed railways
Railway stations - converted
Famous railways lines
Steam railways


Being over taken
Inside lane
Outside lane
Winding over hill tops
Cutting through valleys
Flat open countryside
Sprawling cities - distant
Huge bridges over wide rivers
Signs to familiar places 
Millages tumbling
Fuel disappearing 
Hunger growing 
Legs aching
Services needed
Fuel needed
Stretch needed 
Driver swaps
Searching for toilets
Sandwiches or Burgers?
Coffee or tea?
Exorbitant prices
Walking the dog
Back in the car
More motorway 
Fast cars
Slow lorries
Road works
Speed restrictions 
Endless bollards
Lane swaps
Narrow lanes
Speed cameras
All clear
Up to speed 
More big cities...

All types of weather
Dark clouds 
Blue sky
Light rain
Monsoon like rain!
Slow down

...Familiar place names
Looking for a turning
Long weekend 
Nearly home
Nearly over
300 miles 
8 hours
Places seen
Places visited
Bucket list ticked
Tumble through front door...

Kettle on
Collapse into chair
Rest - unwind

...Second wind!
Unload the car
Take away!
Back into car
Into to town
Curry and fuel
Home once more
Collapse for the final time
Tea and TV

All in one day!


I'd like a membership to this club
but I can't apply - and here's the rub
although this thought fills my mind
I cannot join - I'd be declined
I think about it every day
this club helps keep 'the blues' away
I'm not quite sure what type I'd be
there are so many types I see
some garden, planting things to grow
blooms they exhibit in a show
the active ones give golf a try! 
do something new - sail or fly!
some head to the dump with daily runs
take all the clutter their partner shuns
some wash their cars and polish them too
meticulously - like they never used to do!
I'm sure some of them must get bored 
missing the things they once adored
but your house might be in disrepair 
sheds full of rubbish - junk everywhere 
a garden like a jungle you can't see its end
fences waiting for you to mend
but what do you do when everything's complete
your garden, the shed, it's all looking neat!
yes the lawn will need a trim
a weed and an edge, 
a water, 
or a strim
but you've got seven days a week to fill
if you can't fill them, I know who will!
that said I can't wait I'd be inspired!
I've lots I want to do - when I'm retired!


It's hard to workout what the young are saying
what they are trying to convey?
we are both using the same language
but they use it in a different way!

They use the same words as I do
but in a context, at odds, with mine
the words sound the same but their usage
is something, that I must, redefine

"Cringe" - means embarrassingly tacky
"sick -  is now high praise
will these meanings enter the dictionary 
or is it just, a short, passing phase?

If that wasn't enough there's text speak
tapped on the screens of their phone
they can make up a sentence just from letters
they live in a world of their own!

"F-Y-I" 'for your information
'in case you missed it' "L-M-A-O"
'laugh my arse off' - no word of a lie!

Apparently languages do evolve
and history has given it's view
thank goodness we don't speak like Shakespeare 
"This above all, to thine own self 
be true!"

I don't speak like my Grandparents did
and I'm sure that, 
do you!