
"Who am I to judge?"
Signed: Lord Chief Justice Dury
K.C. O-M-G!

Speeding Through Cornwall

Speeding through Cornwall
on the G-W-R
warm and comfortable
and quite near the bar!

Stations we stop at
some we fly through
wind turbines spinning
powering the view

Woods, estuaries 
a church with a steple
the back garden views
and roads full of people

Ponies in paddocks
sheltering in hedges
sheep in the fields
with trees 'round the edges

Viaducts and bridges
branchlines that go
to seaside destinations
with names that you know

Passengers baggage
cases on wheels
dogs in their harnesses
and women in their heels

Staring at mobile screens
tapping away
checking connections 
for the rest of the day

Speeding - no wait!
this stop wasn't planned
an announcement about something
I don't understand 

Dam and blast!
now this just won't do!

...so pour me another 
I'm getting sick of this view!

Those Who

Those who were dancing
were thought - totally insane 
by those who could not
the sweet music; hear

Those making the music
were thought - a vertuoso
by those who could not
those instruments; play

The teachers; their motivation 
were thought -  most
encouraging their students 
those instruments; to learn

The parents who saw passion
were thought - so suportive
giving their children
the backing; required

The craftsmen who made 
were thought - highly skilled
by those who made music
and their instruments; played 

Those the music touched
were thought - exquisite 
compelled to express
the music, most fine!

...those who were dancing
were thought - totally insane 
by those who could not
this sweet music hear

Tweaked Scientific Formulas

You seem distant
unless you divide yourself with time
then you'll be speed!

You're time
Unless you divide yourself by the change in velocity 
then you're accelerating!

You are a mass
unless you multiply yourself by acceleration
then - you are a force!

You're an energy!
unless you are divided by time
then you become a real power!

You are a mass
unless you multiply yourself with velocity
then you become momentum

This mass
when multiplied with gravity
makes you a weight

You're time
unless you multiply yourself by force
then you're a change in momentum 

You are a mass
unless you divide yourself by volume
which makes you density

Remember - you matter!
unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light
then you're energy!

I'm force!
Unless I'm multiplied by distance
Then - I'm work done!

Take To Your Bed

Take to your bed
for winters cold dark days cometh
and with it 
that jolly rogue "Jack Frost
He'll set about his antics
bringing a chill 
which taketh from us 
the old and the frail
freezing their final breath before their very eyes

His playful 
devil-may-care manner
will nip at your fingertips
yet leave beautiful "iced ferns"
to decorate your windows
he'll freeze your pipes
but colour white
the thatched roofs of the cities houses

take to your bed - wrap up warm
for "Jack Frost" slips in unbeknownst 
under doorways
blows in through draughty windows
billowing curtains
darting hither-and-thither
confusing our minds
slowing us down 
with fumbling fingers
and impaired judgement 
reach for your warmest attire
but take to your bed 
and so
with a hot beverage

don't let "Jack Frosts" mischief

...take you away


Quick tidy up!
Some people are coming 'round to the house 
and we don't want them to think 
that we 
are the people

...we actually are!