Tipton St John

the village carpark is full to bursting 
the shop door is jammed open
Saturday overtime is being put in at the village garage
man walking his dog has a furtive cigarette as he goes
as a mother walks with her son
late and lazy breakast smells 
exit from extractor fans
smells emanating from the village pub - draw you in
as does the sign reading  "10:30 coffee club"
competing with teas and coffees on sale at the cricket pavilion 
long passed the cricket season being called OVER!
the churches graveyard
full with headstones
loving words written
people remembered
graves tended
flowers left
sat overlooking the village school 
perhaps known to those who take eternal rest
a school sitting quietly 
awaiting the end of the half term break
as a lady on a horse
ambles passed the former railway station 
now unwelcoming of patronage 
hiding as it does behind a tall hedge
its last train long since departed
now a much loved home
the former level crossing obvious only to those who know
alongside the river 
quietly passing
as water babbles in the brook behind the main street 
joined by the chatter from groups of cyclists as they pass
and a sunny Saturday morning 
busily takes shape - as if people know about the incoming rain


Lady walking with
the aid of a stick and a 
bottle of vodka

Why Must Life be so Hard

Why must life... (sigh)
             ...be so hard

I've got so much to do
the staff are "oh-so-slow"
It's such a job to organise them
I've got to choose the red for dinner - the Malbec or the Bordeaux?

Why must life... (sigh)
             ...be so hard

The children take up so much time
nanny's not much use!
there's always so much that they need
where are they now - has nanny let them loose?

Why must life... (sigh)
             ...be so hard

Freddy needs new glasses
Timmy's under the "doc"
Lottie needs t'muck out the horses
and Cynthia at a birthday bash - tore her lovely party frock 

Why must life... (sigh)
             ...be so hard
There's nothing out for supper
I don't know what to do!
Cook is on her Friday off
I could go down and have a bash - but I simply don't have a clue!

Oh why must life be so hard!


The early morning mist wraps itself 'round trees
following the contours 
poking it's nose into rabbit holes!
Keeping its head down
on the run - impossible to catch
unsure of its intentions!
on its way somewhere
but never sure where!
Flooding valleys
painting fields white like frost
here then gone
...fleeing from the sun that will take it from us

Long Term Relationship

It's wonderful to share a long term relationship
to know that they are there for you 
to call upon
if needed
there to be relied upon
whether you're at work
or at home - where ever!
when needed
when life gets a little too much
when you just need a little lift
because we all have those times
don't we
first thing in the morning
just after lunch
that mid-afternoon slump...

and that thought of a long night ahead...

...to know that coffee is always there!