
Did you know? Duvets
can and will protect you from
anything! It's true!

Who Cuts The Hairdressers Hair

The hairdresser won't give herself a hair cut.
The train driver wont drive himself to town.
The dentist doesn't sort out their own teeth; nor
...the breakdown man attend his own breakdown.

The waiter doesn't serve themselves at tables.
The cashier handles cash that isn't theirs.
The teacher never taught themself their subject; and
...the bus driver doesn't charge himself the fares.

Nurses do not attend themselves in hospitals.
Retailers won't sell to the wholesale.
Paramedics never attended their own injury; and
...policemen never put themselves in jail.

So is it so that once an intrepid car sales-person
set sails to sail a yacht across the seas?
And that a refrigeration engineer
heard a whisper in his ear
and the chill he felt just brought him to his knees?

And that a delivery driver failed to deliver,
so the delivery; as such; was never made.
So they took him to midwife for some practice,
the driver said he'd have to make the grade.
The midwife was very highly experienced
had delivered many babies; this is true.
But I've never seen a baby being delivered,
from a white van,
'round the town
...how about you?


Staring at someone's
job title but you still can't 
work out what they do!

A Beauty in the Storm

Storm cancels school runs
blows down sheds and fences,
topples trees.
Trampolines make a run for it!
The last remaining leaves are torn from trees.
Round and round and round they dance!
...Beautiful dances.

Trees sway,
some succumb to the wind.
Branches fall to the ground,
blocking roads,
smashing greenhouses,
littering pavements and once perfect lawns.
Making patterns on the ground.
...Beautiful patterns. 

Boats tucked up in harbours tug vigorously at moorings.
Huge waves crash over breakwaters.
In the spray,
through the weak watery light,
the sunlight creates rainbows.
...Beautiful rainbows.

A beauty in the storm.

I Think Too Much is Heaped on The Shoulders of The Weekend

I think too much is heaped on the shoulders of the weekend.
It has to refresh our bodies,
and our minds.
It has things it must wash and things it needs to mend.
Gardens must be tended and DIY must be completed. 
It must facilitate our entertainment.
It must arrange a match,
the odd pint,
a late night clubbing,
a meal out.
It needs to sort us out some time with the family mates and partners. 
We need it to shop for our food, 
and everything else we need.
We need it to arrange a film for us,
and find time for a hobby!

Maybe we could buy a car,
move house,
bury Grandad,
walk to China,
escape from Alcatraz,
invent a machine,
fly like a bird,
swim like a fish across the oceans,
hanglide from mountain tops like an eagle,
or fly to the moon!

...I think too much is heaped on the shoulders of the weekend!