I Think Too Much is Heaped on The Shoulders of The Weekend

I think too much is heaped on the shoulders of the weekend.
It has to refresh our bodies,
and our minds.
It has things it must wash and things it needs to mend.
Gardens must be tended and DIY must be completed. 
It must facilitate our entertainment.
It must arrange a match,
the odd pint,
a late night clubbing,
a meal out.
It needs to sort us out some time with the family mates and partners. 
We need it to shop for our food, 
and everything else we need.
We need it to arrange a film for us,
and find time for a hobby!

Maybe we could buy a car,
move house,
bury Grandad,
walk to China,
escape from Alcatraz,
invent a machine,
fly like a bird,
swim like a fish across the oceans,
hanglide from mountain tops like an eagle,
or fly to the moon!

...I think too much is heaped on the shoulders of the weekend!

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