The Universe

Q: How did the universe begin?

A: The universe began with an explosion of whatever matter was there at the time - humans have called this event "The Big Bang!"

Q: Ah but what was there before the big bang?

A: Well, in 1927, Georges Lemaître proposed that the universe started as a 'singularity"...

You know:
"the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular". 

I think he meant
"It just was - so shut up and except it!

...and it expanded because of the big bang.

Q: So what caused the big bang?

A: The big bang came about  because every bit of what was to become the universes energy was all squashed into a very, very small area.
You know like when you try to push too much shopping into your one shopping bag - you never have enough shopping bags with you do you, 
then as you try to push that one last item in, it all starts to pop out, 
the bag bursts 
and you end up with your shopping all over the floor with a frustrated queue of people behind you at the checkout!

This is what happened to create the universe. 
Someone or something tried to put too much cosmic shopping into an already densely packed cosmic shopping bag 
which then exploded - dropping cosmic shopping all over the floor! 
This time with such an unimaginable force, 
it created the matter we know as the universe, 
propelling it outwards.

Q: Yeah, but how do we get to the universe as we now know it?

A: Space expanded, 
the overfilled cosmic shopping bag, the contents of which had exploded  
is the universe, 
it started to cool, 
you would get a bit heated if your shopping bag burst,
and the simplest of elements were formed. 

Gravity gradually drew matter together 
like the cashier running round trying to pick up all your grocers from the floor into another bag - for which they charged you 35p,
all of which then formed the first stars and the first galaxies.

Q: So is the universe is still expanding?

A: Well you would have thought so! That shopping you dropped got everywhere, 
those tomatoes rolled five aisles away!
There's a twist! Modern science has been able to determine that the universe is still expanding and it is expanding in all directions,
much like your shopping did!

Q: So what is the universe expanding into?

A: Ah! Here is the twist!

Apparently, the universe isn't rolling five aisles away, it isn't expanding into anything!

The expansion of the universe is with time, 
like your tomatoes rolled five hours away but are still there with you in the space the till, the checkout, 
the irate people in the queue and the frantic cashier take up!

It is an intrinsic expansion; the universe does not expand "into" anything and does not require space to exist "outside" it.

I will just give you a minute for your brains to cool down

I repeat:
"It is an intrinsic expansion; 
the universe does not expand "into" anything and does not require space to exist "outside" it."

"Intrinsic: belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing."

From this point on we get into the realm of fairies, unicorns and pixies 
and it sounds like science doesn't really know - and so is making it up

Outside this expansion lies a higher dimensional
 "space-time" universe 
which we are unfolding into. 

Since it is higher dimension, 
we cannot see, 
or comprehend it!?


You get what I mean? 
Making it up!
At this point, the cashier might as well be a unicorn, 
the till "The Never Never Land
and the irate people behind you in the queue, 
a talking Lion!

Yet another hypothosis is that we are stuck inside the black hole of a larger universe outside of it.

Does any of it matter? 
As we struggle to get the last 5p you need to pay the bus driver your exact fare, 
out of your pocket, 
to get into town, 
to do your shopping, 
with your one shopping bag, 
so as when you get to the cashier, 
it won't all fit in your bag, 
and your bag explodes...

Does it matter?

Probably not!

So don't worry!

Thank you.


Today is going
to be a "watch TV and 
eat crisps" sort of day

Stone Circle

Peacefully standing 
hidden amongst trees and bracken 
in the corner of a Cornish field
up and ancient trackway
stood so 
for thousands of years 
available only to those who come looking for them
concealed amongst myths and legends 
so many questions unanswered
many experts have scratched many learn-ed chins
many words have been written
by the many poets; inspired this ancient stone circle 
sat amidst an ancient land.

A Way Of Life

Lost in a land of mist and fog - no signal to be found on the car radio
in the land of bent-over trees and hedgerows 
blow the land of Atlantic gales
the land of bursting summer roads
of strange tounge-twisting place names 
a language
culture and history
a land of former industries
huge holes dug in the ground 
giant spoil heaps reaching to its skies
inspiration for the spoken word of theatre and film
writers and poets.
photographers and illustrators and are stirred by its long stunning beaches
whose waves draw the worlds surfers to them
a land of sand
open countryside to walk
wildlife to seek
ancient sites to discover 
and clear blue waters to swim in.

This is not a place - but a way of life!
What more do you need
...than Cornwall?

Doing His Rounds

I got into a mess at Eton
my house-master advised me to leave
he added I wasn't their sort of chap
and that I was 
very hard to

I got very bored at Oxford
and Cambridge let me down
all that punting upon the river 'Cam'
and those bicycles in the town

So I went to work at NASA
it seemed a fun place to be
I thought I would be an astronaut 
but it just wasn't right for me

So I fancied a dabble on the 'markets'
some went up and some went down
I made myself a small fortune
so bought a small 'condo' in town

I had a good contact at 'Glasto'
who asked could I dust off my 'spoons'
he said he'd have room for some sets 
could I give them a few of my tunes?

I fancied flying fighter jets
so I gave the 'RAF' a bell
they said they couldn't fit me in
and my flying skills weren't up to scatch as well

I hadn't tried being a spy
but I thought it could be fun
I had a smattering of Russian and
I was fairly good with a gun

But no, it was then that Mummy called
and I quickly 'reassemble lifes threads'
she asked if I was feeling alright 
and she reminded me to take all my 'meds'
and to tidy things up 
and to give him no grounds
for the doctor 
would soon
be doing his rounds!

Cornwall - Take Her Home

A place far from every other
the only noise
that of the wind blowing in the wires
and a distant tractor 
drawing lines across it's surface.
where the land tumbles into the sea
where the sea and sky merge
sat with her - once a maiden of this land
a soul who's draw to this place is stronger than mine!
Let the clouds draw pictures 
and the waves serenade 
and between us 
we shall take her home.