Scary Thoughts

It's the 'bogeyman' that haunts our sleep
forces us into counting sheep
fills our mind with scary thoughts
the chance of recooperation thwarts

he slips out quietly from where he hides
behind us - laying on our sides
and fills our minds with scary thoughts  our total logical cognition distorts

uncertain darkness makes perception flee
our brains fill gaps our eyes can't see
which fills our minds with scary thoughts 
a monster howls; a demon snorts

"go to sleep there's nothing there!"
too late our mind is now aware
and fills our head with scary thoughts
of beasts of every size and sorts 
as we lay safe in our warm beds know the bogeyman 
is just In our heads!


They have their world on 
their mobiles but not their minds 
on what's around them

Tittle Tattle

It was Mr Pym who runs the gym
who said Mr Gummer - he's our plumber
had mate
Mr Tilda - he's the builder 
who's doing our extension 
admidst all this tension 
he knew the lady - Mrs Maxi, 
she the one who drives the taxi
who caught Mr Mickey - he's the brickie
"laying bricks" if you you know what I mean
with her - at number 2-15
and the mother-in-law 
said she saw 
Mrs Meacher - you know the teacher
with Mrs Top - at the corner shop
and felt she saw Mr Mars - he the one who fixes cars
kissing Mrs Hatcher - she the one who married the thatcher 
Mr Catt - or something like that
then set light to the bar 
which belonged to Mrs Parr
so they called the nurse in somewhat of a hurry,   
I think her name is - Mrs Curry
and of course PC Hopper - the local copper
was dragged from his bed
it was his own one they said
because Mr Goad - who mends the road
said he knew they wouldn't get through
for the high street was closed 
a detour imposed
for Mr Proctor was "under the doctor"
Dr Dean - if you know what I mean
and that Mrs Palmer - the local farmer
eloped with Mr Smithern-Bain 
you know the posh bloke with the plane!

Well that's what they said 
no truer word
...I think that's the story
         so I heard!


It's morning 
any morning 
every morning 
this morning 
yesterday morning 
probably tomorrow morning

neighbours leave their houses
some on foot
some on bikes
some head to the station
some in cars
some with others
some without
some pack their children and all their stuff
...some get in alone.

Morning sounds are heard
fumbling keys
slamming doors
barking dogs
starting engines
passing trains
raised voices
then vehicles disperse

The mechanic sets his noisy steed into life - off to fix broken cars
Mums with toddlers - noisily walk 
School girls in a huddle - tap on screens  
regretting the length of their skirts
teachers with briefcases - off to influence young minds
rail engineers sleep - after a night keeping our railways safe
plumbers out to fix leaks 
mend - anything that involves water 
some in suits and lanyards 
to move money around?
insure things?
sell things?
design things?
lecture on things - who knows?

Vintners go to sell bottles of
petrol station cashiers to keep the country moving
supermarket workers to keep us all fed
health workers to keep us well
entrepreneurs to carry on running all those companies that we can't do without

and those lucky enough not to have to leave...
...sleep on!

I Don't Really Drink Beer

at a Parisian cafe
I sat at a table
outside on the street 
under an awning 
under the Parisian sky

the waiter enquired
and I ordered a beer 
just a beer 

"une bière s’il vous plaît"
an essential phrase for a Brit in Paris to know 

and when it came
I drank
slowly I drank
cold beer from a glass
...and it was wonderful!

looking back
all those years
I now understand 
I know what it was...

it was 10% the beer
but 90% the location! I don't really drink beer!


Gold is lucky - so some believe 
but I'm not sure - and here's why
I had an accident with my ring
which nearly brought a tear to my eye

I now have ring but on my little finger
because my precious wedding band broke 
this I found to be most upsetting
because I'm a very sensitive bloke 

I caught my ring on a passing handle
and nearly lost my finger!
so there it lays in a bottom draw
forever more to linger 
(the ring not my finger BTW!)

so now I wear a different ring
it's still a band of gold
it was my grandads Cignet ring
well that's what I've been told!

A colliery man; a musical man
he played in the colliery band
so happy am I to know that I 
have his gold on my left hand!

Gold - lucky? Maybe not!
my ring-finger is still in pain
at least I have what's left of my ring
and didn't 
loose it
down a drain

...and I've still got my ring - repurposed 
wrapped around a golden chain