Tittle Tattle

It was Mr Pym who runs the gym
who said Mr Gummer - he's our plumber
had mate
Mr Tilda - he's the builder 
who's doing our extension 
admidst all this tension 
he knew the lady - Mrs Maxi, 
she the one who drives the taxi
who caught Mr Mickey - he's the brickie
"laying bricks" if you you know what I mean
with her - at number 2-15
and the mother-in-law 
said she saw 
Mrs Meacher - you know the teacher
with Mrs Top - at the corner shop
and felt she saw Mr Mars - he the one who fixes cars
kissing Mrs Hatcher - she the one who married the thatcher 
Mr Catt - or something like that
then set light to the bar 
which belonged to Mrs Parr
so they called the nurse in somewhat of a hurry,   
I think her name is - Mrs Curry
and of course PC Hopper - the local copper
was dragged from his bed
it was his own one they said
because Mr Goad - who mends the road
said he knew they wouldn't get through
for the high street was closed 
a detour imposed
for Mr Proctor was "under the doctor"
Dr Dean - if you know what I mean
and that Mrs Palmer - the local farmer
eloped with Mr Smithern-Bain 
you know the posh bloke with the plane!

Well that's what they said 
no truer word
...I think that's the story
         so I heard!

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