Talking To an AI

"My name is - I don't care what your name is!
I like - why is this important?
I have a house near - I don't care!
in a nice part of - yeah?
I work part-time at - why does that matter?
I work for - nobody's bothered where you work!
One day - mmmm, did you say something?
...whilst Christmas shopping - it doesn't really matter, does it?
I was rushing round getting - yeah, so what!
I like - I said, I don't care what you like!
I can't see that - I can't see anything either, I'm just a set of technologies that allow computers to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence!
Today I planned to - it doesn't really matter to me.
The weather is very - it's all just noughts and ones to me
I'm just - is this relevant?
I was - you were nothing really
I think - no you don't think, you just ask me!
What will happen when I'm gone - well I'll still be here, ask me a question!
Somebody else will do that, I just wanted to chat - I don't do chat!
I'm sure you're clever enough to have  meaningful conversations - Claudius was the 4th emperor of Rome
What is your favourite colour? - he ruled from 41 to 54 AD
Do you have a hobby? - He was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

...I like knitting!"

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