How to Be Happy

Have music in your life.
Let the song that's in your head 'pop out' occasionally .
No song in your head?
Get one!
Sing in the shower whilst holding the shower head as a microphone.
Create a "sing-a-long" play list.

Care for others.
Give a little of yourself to others every day.
Give others your time. 
Give to charity.
Be kind to strangers.
Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger. 
Give; for no reason other than you can.


Get creative.
Get a hobby!
Paint, write poetry, take up gardening or take photos.
Explore your inner-self through creativity.
Unload your worries onto a canvass via a brush.
Write it all down on a blog.


Take a good look at what you have.
Don't fret about what you haven't got.
'Things' don't make you happy!
Enjoy the simple things.
Do 'childish' things sometimes.
Roll down a hill whilst you still can!
Think about the moment you're in.


Take time out for yourself.
Look at the stars!
Look how small you are in comparison.  
Keep a positive mind-set at all times.
Love someone.
Love yourself!
Live in a positive space.
Create a positive environment.


Walk often.
Eat well.
Sleep well.
Don't try and take on the world.
Worry less.
You can't solve all the problems of the world.
Be happy and remember,
someone out there would love your 'problems'.


Everybody wants the winning lottery ticket.
Everybody wants money to live their fantasy lifestyle.
Everybody wants to do what they want to do,  and not have to work for it,
ever again.
...everybody wants to climb a mountain! 

Everybody needs security. 
Everybody wants a nice comfortable space to call their own.
Everybody wants to have peace and quiet,
and to have kids,
but not have them shouting all the time!
...everybody wants a soak in the bath.

Everybody wants sanity.
Everybody wants the voices in their heads to shut up!
Everybody wants to be able to live their life, 
despite all their faults,
and not have everyone complain about it.
...everybody wants to feed the birds.

Everybody wants a holiday.
Everybody wants to go somewhere hot and lye on a beach.
Everybody always wants to be in some place else,
some place other than the place they are in right now.
...everybody wants to paint a picture

Everybody wants to wash the car.
Everybody car is dirty and needs washing!
Everybody wants one of the jet wash machines, 
that allow you to wash down everything,
including your car.
...everybody wants to fly to the moon

Everybody's good at DIY.
Everybody wants to be able to fix things and make new stuff.
Everybody wants one of those cordless drills, then find endless jobs to use it on and fix stuff with it.
...everybody wants a dog.

Everybody wants a hat.
Everybody wants a reason to buy a nice new hat.
Everybody wants to receive an invite to a fancy place, for a fancy party,
where a new hat is essential!
...everybody wants to play chess.

Everybody wants to get fit.
Everybody's got a gym membership.
Everybody has a special room in their house, one that is full of exercise equipment,
equipment which is rarely used.
...everybody reads a newspaper

Everybody is a poet.
Everybody has poem in their head just waiting to burst out!
Everybody has written a poem with not a clue how they might end it...


Is the destination 
the purpose or is it the
journey? Enjoy both

A Clock Is Reset

Ceremonies to arrange,
large boots to be filled.
The words of an anthem to change
the picture on stamps too!
Roles now different - titles have changed.
Christmas day messages delivered by someone new,
a change of guard at the changing of the guard!
Newspaper headlines agree.
A clock is reset. 

What Am I To Do

My emotion
washing over me like the ocean
waking me up in a commotion 
Doctor give me a potion
I need your devotion
what am I to do?

Wave upon wave  
I'm buried as if in a grave
disturbing my sleep like a rave
waking me up won't behave
making me into its slave 
What am I to do?

Have I been had
maybe I'm going mad
'ordered a happy meal but I am sad
one number short on the keypad
makes me a deadbeat dad
What am I to do?

Cold now and frightened 
stomach muscles tightened
senses alerted and heightened 
is it black or is it white and -
every day and every night and -
is this to be my plight and -
my god it shines so bright and -
can I ever turn off this light and -
overcome it; try as I might and -

I'm not sure I can fight it
here as I write it
but what am I to do?

With my emotions 
washing over me like the ocean
waking me up in a commotion 
Doctor give me a potion.
I need your devotion
what am I to do?


September means it's meteorological autumn.
September has many observations,
calendars old and new
events and occurrences.
September means I'll have completed one more trip round the sun.
September brings back memories of summer holidays ending all too soon
having to return to school
with new uniforms
oversized blazers and undersized haircuts.
uncomfortable new shoes and the latest regulation school bag.
September means wonderfully coloured leaves tumbling from trees and painting the ground
shorter days and even darker evenings
wind and rain
and getting your winter coat out from the back of the wardrobe. 
September is the month of Virgos - if you believe 
or preparing your inner-self for the dark months ahead,
well whatever your religion dictates.

For me, 
September comes and once again I have to fight the urge to write another poem about 
...but then I write one anyway!