
The sporty types - all lycra clad.
The early morning joggers
the marathon runners
the exercisers
the cyclists
the fishermen
the 'banger racers'
the 'surfer dudes'
and the 'horsey folk' in their big wagons - off to gymkhanas.

The self employed caterers off to a 'gig'.
The smokers missing tobacco
Those missing milk
The 'have you got any bread?'
The late risers
and the obviously 'hung over'.
Those just off to bed
and those looking,
for all the world,
like they've just got out of bed!

The vintage car drivers - out for 'a spin'
The paper readers.
The day trippers
sun worshipers
family beach goers.
The holiday makers returning home.
The forward planners - getting ready for the week.
The reluctant workers
The doers
The 'getting things done' people
The mowers of lawns
and the parental taxi drivers off with the kids,
to something or other!

The weekend water-sport lovers
the scuba-divers
the swimmers
the sailors
and the boat owners - with the speedboat in tow!

The black
The white
the green
and blue.

it's Sunday - so which one is you?

Balance (Best Stay On Ya Feet)

Balance; is the road we tread
balance; a state within our head
balance; an opposing point of view
balance; the cash that I'm due
balance; the money I've left to spend
balance; the outcome in the end
balance; the vegans lack of meat
balanced; the diet they must eat
balance; a ball upon my head
balanced; emotions when nerves are shred
poised and steady
equilibrium complete.
the opposite is falling down
it's painful - best stay on ya feet!


We all live in boxes
spilt up into smaller boxes
some of these boxes are arranged in rows
others sit on their own
many sit huddled in large groups
others sit 
one on top of the another
some have boxes people are supposed to put their cars into
cars are another type of box
only with wheels
some of these boxes are large
some are quite tiny
but when all said and done
they're all just boxes in the end!

Schrodingers Trailer

A trailer that's not a trailer 
i.e. not carrying something 
being trailed behind a vehicle
but a trailer sitting on a trailer as the thing being carried 
that trailer then is being trailed behind a vehicle 

This Pembrokeshire Car Park

in this Pembrokeshire car park...
it's shorts and muscular 'walkers legs'
nordic poles and sensible shoes
comfy shorts and wide brimmed hats
with sunglasses perched atop greying heads

in this Pembrokeshire car park...
it's paddle boards and all the bikes
wetsuits; snorkles; bottles of air
kyacks; huge with all the kit
with camper vans filled to the top!

in this Pembrokeshire car park...
it's dogs and maps and rucksacks packed
thermos full with drink of choice
car unpacking - packing up
some all day: some passing through!

in this Pembrokeshire car park...
it's mums and babies; dogs and daughters 
blokes with mates; husbands with wives
three generations in two different cars!
seems like everyone's here...

in this Pembrokeshire car park!

St Daniel's Church

A ring of trees surrounds the church 
just the spires pinnacle shows
Its hilltop perch anounces still
the love of god forever grows

yet its graves lay hidden; lost
the dead beneath the living trees
nature claiming what is hers
the door is locked without the keys

the stain glass windows; boarded up
no candle burns at Evensong
confetti now is leaves from trees
congregations no more throng

the spade of those who dig the graves
piercing consecrated ground
though not around the church these days
unless a saviour is found!

The churches salvation is in hand
a shining knight upon a horse!
The church is listed - grade I no-less
wrapped up in bright red tape of course!