Your long Christmas break
and all those lovely festivities
are now but a memory.
Outside it's cold and grey
and if it does start to snow
you only get six flakes
not the six foot you wanted
so you could re-live your childhood
and fall off a sledge and break something
and so have an excuse for not going into work.
Your hayfever raises it's ugly head.
Pigeons are mating on telephone wires.Grumpy old women come out of hibernation for the first time since last summer.
The weather remains unpredictable.
The classic bright spring days are short lived - and soon the cold and grey returns.
Self assessment tax reminders arrive in the post
reminding you it will soon be the end of the tax year - how dull!
...The tourists are coming.
The clocks go forward
and it completely messes up your internal clock
The daffodil bulbs you planted in October last year haven't come up yet
and your car looks a complete mess but there's no point in washing it - it'll be filthy again in five minutes!
You haven't a clue what to wear
and your garden looks like the first world war trenches - and it's still too wet to do anything about it!
...The signs of Spring are there