Circle - A temporary fix

Scratching an itch
you think...
in scratching it 
you will relieve it
make it better - only...
you're going to damage your skin
if you keep scratching 
you're going to damage your skin
it's just a temporary fix
temporary relief 
you're just fooling the brain that it's all OK - it's cause and effect
sort out the cause!
or like
that long relaxing draw on a cigarette after a busy morning at work
stood in a huddle
outside in the rain
soothing the need 
the need for a quick fag - whilst it slowly kills you
biting the flesh of your finger in rage
subduing your anger 
whilst your teeth 
cut into your skin
and drinking
and drinking
because you need it
and because you feel better after having it
but you realise just what you have become
and you hate yourself for it
for being an alcoholic 
so you have another drink
drinking to drown your sorrows 
drinking to lift your mood
drinking after a bad day 
damaging your liver
damaging your life - and slowly killing yourself!

It's a circle
a circle you need to break 
otherwise's all just a temporary fix

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