
You are weak and easily tempted
I, blatantly there throughout your day
call to you to have just one more fix 
I laugh at the tax you put on me
you just pay the little extra
you've got to have me 
you don't care!

I'm sometimes subtle - often hidden 
there in the shadows 
you take me in without knowing - you should read the labels more often
sometimes the thought of living life without me seems impossible - despite the harm I do to you
you can't live without me 
anyway - I'm everywhere!

You've tried to create a substitute for me
but it's just not the same
you don't get that hit
that reward
really I'm good for nothing
that short high is all you get
but it doesn't last
you simply crash - then come back to me
for more!

I am like your local drug dealer
selling you a ten quid wrap
knowing you'll be back for more
despite the harm I cause you
you simply can't do without me
can you!
Who am I?


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