What Am I Supposed To Do?

People don't see me.
People don't see the situation I'm in.
How can I get out of something most people don't even see I'm in?
When you're not even visible to most people - how do I get help?
What is help anyway?
What would help me?

Most people don't care about people like me
I'm just something that people walk around
I'm the turd on the pavement that people step in because no-one sees it
and those few who do see it just 
give it a wide birth
and so they don't do anything about it
so walk on
and leave it for someone else to step in.

I am here
I am here because I have no postcode I could give you
no street that is my street
no house number
nowhere you could drop that parcel off at
no town to call my own town
no people to call my neighbours 
So what if I do spend the money you give me
when I'm out begging for it
on drugs and booze!
So what!
You've never been in my situation 
forced to live out on the streets 
in the cold and wet
Drugs and booze take me away from this hell
for hell is where I am.

No money
No home
No job
No chance of getting a job
No job to get money 
No money to get a home
No home to get a job
No hope...

What am I supposed to do?

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