I Think This Happened Today

Suit on in bed
Sun swaps for the moon
The alarm turns me on
The shower takes me - somewhere else 
I burn myself under the cold water 
Shampoo on the floor 
Toothpaste in my hair
Dry myself with a hairbrush
Dressing gown on for the day
Shoes on my ears
Wrist watch round my foot
Tie around my head
Washing-up liquid in the kettle
Hot coffee in my pocket
Weetabix in my belly-button
The floor ends up on my breakfast
Step inside for work 

Stop the engine of the car 
Close the door
Slam the bonnet 
Paint the roof
Put tyres in the air and leave
The garage comes to me
Diesel into a petrol car
Wipers on in the dry - lights off in the dark
Chocolate sauce in the screen wash
Stop at the green light
Turn left into the right road - the wrong way up a one-way-street.
Depart from work

Create a whole new persona
Enter the wrong building 
Sit at the coffee machine 
Talk to the fire extinguisher 
Make a desk
Invent the computer 
Synchronisation - my head with the rest of the world 
Log off
Have work find me
The phone talks to me
Emails answer me
Things make me - I am made by things
Lunch eats me
Coffee has a bun in the late afternoon early morning break
A mars bar grabs me later
Meetings have me
A visit has to client me
My diary reminds me of the time
What day is it?

Work finished me
The car found me from a single level in a multi-storey carpark - and then drove me home
Car parked in the flower bed
Home enters me
Tea to have - but for what?
Now the oven turns me on
Put a ready meal back in the freezer
Make a plate
Forge a knife and fork
Pour my shirt down my tea
Dinner plates in the washing machine 
Laundry in the dishwasher
Turn off the TV
Print a newspaper 

Have bed come to me

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