Hate Love Hate

I hate all this weather we're having
I love a shot on goal
I hate the way stars lap upon a deserted beach
I love it when a train passes
I hate it when people paint shop doorways
I love blue socks
I hate the way people spin this planet 
I love ploughing my beard
I hate the way hills go up steeply
I love the rustling of plastic bags
I hate the colour of trees in winter
I love the sound of frozen breath 
I hate wind-turbines on hill tops
I love broken smiles
I hate the rigidity of grass
I love the silence of wind
I hate the tick of a clock
I love the tock 
I hate it when fish block the escalator on the underground when carry too much shopping in a pink balloon 
I love sound of a fresh mown lawn
I love writing nonsense poems 
but white is the wrong colour

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