
this place is a mystery to us
it's dark
we sit at its edges
and we stare at its majesty
and we ponder
and we philosophize 
and wonder at all that it hides
we spin yarns
craft songs
and write poems - about it
and we are enchanted by its sounds
as it ripples 
at our feet as children 
it creates life long memories 
we dip our toes into its very being
immersing ourselves - and we play
we play within it
feeling its power
yet we know so little of its depths
and despite it being untrustworthy - we play
for today it's calm - tomorrow?
tomorrow - as if we've upset it
it might be violent even brutal 
it is vast - don't doubt it's power
it is empty - yet not so
creatures live here
creatures like we've never seen
we want to know more about it
it dominates us so 
but has vast areas - unexplored 
this abyss 
many many miles of unexplored wilderness 
a wilderness that is not ours
yet - it provides us food
but which could take our lives 
yet - enables some to put food on the table
but of which we are not masters
yet - which we must take care of
but of which we don't 
yet this giant - merely sleeps
catch this giant in a bad mood
and you're in trouble
this wilderness is a giant we need in
our lives
because the life of this giant
and our lives
are linked 

...and we need it
more than it needs us.

The sea.


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