
I'm only aware of the washing machine in the kitchen - because it briefly stops
for a second
everything goes quiet
the quiet is deafening
then it starts again
turning slowly this time
slowly tumbling the wet clothes inside itself
building up speed
the noise slowly builds up to a loud gurgle as it empties out the dirty water
above all that noise
outside the lounge window
a car door slams
and a car starts it's engine 
but it doesn't drive away
the washing machine pauses again  briefly allowing me to hear the dog snoring on her bed in the window 
but it's gone as the washing machine starts it's cycle again
the car still hasn't driven off
as another door slams
this time it's a front door 
I think someone's forgotten something
        ...a train passes
once again the car door slams 
this time
as if like a starting pistol 
the washing machine starts
and the alarm on my phone goes off
I'd forgotten it was running so it makes me jump
I turn it off 
then reset it 
my phone emits several loud beeps as I do
then pausing to catch my breath
I hear the page of a book being turned
as the washing machine pauses
and I hear that the dog is still snoring 
...as the washing machine revs up and goes into its final spin
and in anticipation of it finishing
I rise from my chair 
and as if
not "switched off"
but only on "stand-by"
...the dog wakes

I think the washing machine has finished
...it's all quiet once more

I go and check!

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