You're Not Hungry!

You're not hungry you just think you are.
You're not hungry you're just bored.
You're not hungry you just have a sandwich sat in front of you talking to you.
You're not hungry, you must wait until tea time, 
OK lunchtime, 
OK breakfast!
You're not hungry, it's just a phase you're going through.
You're not hungry you just have fond memories of your lunch.
You're not hungry it's just trapped wind.
You're not hungry you just had a day dream about food.
You're not hungry it's just your stomach is telling fibs.
You're not hungry it's just your stomach in cahoots with the shop you're in right now - it's on 25% commission!
You're not hungry you just want this shift to end and you think eating something will make that happen.
You're not hungry - so put that packet of 'Biscuits' down!
You're not hungry, you've eaten enough!

You're not hungry!

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